Object Process Methodology OPM ד " ר אבי סופר
ניתוח מערכות מידע 2 OPM Basic Concepts Emphasis Equally balancing static (structure) and dynamic (behavior) aspects of the system Comprehension Precise and concise syntax Dual notation: semantically equivalent intuitive graphics and natural (yet formal) text Continuity A unified model that supports the entire lifecycle Versatile complexity management mechanisms Execution Ability to accurately represent threads of execution (scenario simulation). OPM is a comprehensive, generic, systems development and lifecycle support paradigm.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 3 OPM Syntax: Core Symbols Entities: Object - A thing that exists for some time Process - A thing that transforms an object State - A situation at which an object can be Structural Relations Procedural Links
ניתוח מערכות מידע 4 OPM Object-Process Methodology OPM integrates structure, function, and behavior into a single, unified model Speaker handles Presenting. Audience can be Curious or Delighted. Curious is initial. Delighted is final. Presenting requires Ideas. Presenting changes Audience from Curious to Delighted.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 5 OPCAT Modeling OBJECT A thing that exists PROCESS A thing that transforms objects STATE Describes the Object’s situation LINKS Procedural Structural Object-Process Diagram (OPD) Object-Process Language (OPL)
ניתוח מערכות מידע 6 Example: Aggregation-participation A structural relation between the whole and its parts
ניתוח מערכות מידע 7 Example: Exhibition-characterization A structural relation between a thing and its features
ניתוח מערכות מידע 8 Example: Generalization-specialization A structural relation between a thing and its specializations Known as the “ is-a ” relation
ניתוח מערכות מידע 9 Example: Classification-instantiation A structural relation between a thing and its instances
ניתוח מערכות מידע 10 Example: General Link A simple relation between two things Unidirectional Bidirectional
ניתוח מערכות מידע 11 Example: Bi-directional Tagged Links A relation between two things whose semantics is expressed through tags Each tag results in a separate sentence. Single tag.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 12 System Structure: parts and features Aggregation: Object consists of parts Exhibition: Object has features
ניתוח מערכות מידע 13 OPM Behavior Modeling: Procedural links Enabling Links Agent link Instrument link Condition link Transforming Links Result/Consumption (input/output) link Effect link Event Links State change links Exception link Invocation link Denote how processes relate to objects
ניתוח מערכות מידע 14 Enabling Links Agent links connect agents and the processes they enable. An Agent is an intelligent enabler, who controls process executions in the way that suites his/her/its needs. Instrument links connect instruments and the processes they enable. An Instrument is an enabler that is not agent, e.g.: tools, information, data, etc. Processing will occur when enabler is available ("wait until “ ). Condition links connect processes with object states: Processing will occur if and only if the object is in the certain state ( “ gate keeper ” ).
ניתוח מערכות מידע 15 Enabling Links - Example Editor handles Word Processing. Word Processing requires Word Processor. Computer can be On or Off. Computer consists of Word Processor. Word Processing occurs if Computer is On. Word Processing requires Word Processor.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 16 Transforming Links (1) Effect link: Object is changed in an unspecified way Word Processing affects Document.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 17 Transforming Links (2): Express how a process transforms the state of objects (1) Result Link: Create (generate) a new object Object does not exist before the process starts
ניתוח מערכות מידע 18 Transforming Links (2): Express how a process transforms the state of objects (2) Consumption Link: Destroy (consume) an existing object Object does not exist after the process ends
ניתוח מערכות מידע 19 Transforming Links (3): Change state Express how a process transforms the state of objects Text can be Raw or Edited. Word Processing changes Text from Raw to Edited.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 20 States Description / OPL sentenceSymbol A situation at which an object can exist. Stateful object with two states Website can be reachable or unreachable. A value that an object can assume. Value Temperature is 15. A state can be initial, default, or final. Stateful object with three states: initial, default, and final Car can be new, which is initial, used, which is default, or junk, which is final.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 21 Moving from initial to final
ניתוח מערכות מידע 22 Event Links Description / OPL sentenceSymbol Link P1 Invokes P2 (timing unspecified)Invocation State entrance event links (top) connect between states and the processes which are triggered when the corresponding objects enter the specific states. The process may change the object state. (bottom) denotes that the triggered process changes the object state. State Enterance/change Time-out exception links connect timed processes or states with processes that should be activated in cases the processes/states violate their time constraints. Time-out Exception Denote process executions due to internal and external events.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 23 Event Links constructs State entrance event links Left figure: When Object Status enters its before state, State Entrance Processing is activated. It does not change Object Status. Right figure: When Object Status enters its before state, State Entrance Processing is activated. It also changes Object Status from before to after. State change event link connect between objects and the processes which are triggered when there is a change of value or state in the corresponding objects.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 24 Event Links constructs Invocation Time-out exception links connect timed processes or states with processes that should be activated in cases the processes/states violate their time constraints. After 3 minutes that Timed Processing runs, Exception Handling should be activated. After 3 minutes that Object Status is in its timed state, Exception Handling should be activated.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 25 Procedural Links - Example OPL Customer handles Password Entering Password Correct can be Yes or No Password Entering yields Entered Password Password Checking requires Stored Password and Entered Password. Password Checking affects Password Correct Approving occurs if Password Correct is Yes Approving yields Approval Repeating occurs if Password Correct is No Repeating invokes Password Checking.
ניתוח מערכות מידע 26 OPM complexity management Detail-based scaling: System modeling at any desired level of detail Flexible combinations of three abstraction/refinement scaling modes: Processes: Out-zooming/In-zooming Objects: Folding/Unfolding States: Suppressing/Expressing
ניתוח מערכות מידע 27 Complexity Management: the System Map First two nodes
ניתוח מערכות מידע 28 A complete system map What about Unfolding ?
ניתוח מערכות מידע 29 OPM modeling example: Word Processor The editor uses a word processor in order to convert the content of a document from raw text to properly edited material. OPD Tree Hierarchy
ניתוח מערכות מידע 30 Model Refinement: Process In-Zooming Exposing the details inside a complex process
ניתוח מערכות מידע 31 Model Refinement: Unfolding Document
Avi Soffer Analysis of Case-studies 32 Comparing OPM and UML ClarityContinuityConsistencyTarget Complex network of diagrams Non- integrated process Inconsistency, redundancy, shallow semantics General purpose UML / RUP Small set of well-defined building blocks Inherently- integrated process (complexity management) Clearly-defined semantics, process-driven consistency General purpose OPM
ניתוח מערכות מידע 33 Two system decomposition strategies structure behaviorstates abstract concrete detailed UML: aspect-based decomposition easy transition OPM: detail-based decomposition difficult transition
ניתוח מערכות מידע 34 Simulation by animation Start the simulation process
ניתוח מערכות מידע 35 Foundation Constructing in-zoomed
ניתוח מערכות מידע 36 Certificate is being created
Automated Telling Machine (ATM) System ניתוח מערכות מידע 37
Transaction Execution zoomed-in ניתוח מערכות מידע 38
Account Checking blown up ניתוח מערכות מידע 39
Transaction Processing zoomed-in ניתוח מערכות מידע 40