Data Data is collection of facts and figures which are not in directly usable form. It is also termed as Input about an item, a person or a place. It is considered as raw material. Data is represented with the help of characters like alphabets (A-Z), digits (0-9) or special signs (+, -, >, <, *, …..).
Information It is a processed data or final result which is in directly usable form and gives some meaningful results to the user. It is termed as output. In other words, “Data represented in a format is called information.”
Digramme (Data, Processing, Information) Data Processing Information (Input) (Output)
Example (Data,Information) In case of multiplication 6 * 8 = 48 Here, ‘6’ and ‘8’ are data * (Multiply) is an instruction 9 (data) 48 is information (output)
Difference between data and information Data is raw facts and figures. Data itself has no meaning. It does not help in decision making. Anu got 45 marks in paper1, 50 marks in paper 2, etc. is data Information is processed form of data Information is always meaningful. It helps in decision making. Anu passed is result.
Features of Information Relevance: (Related and useful) Accuracy Timeliness Completeness Purposeful Adequacy (sufficient) No garbage (brief & to the point) Correct format Subjectivity Acceessibility Reliable (degree of confidence)
Information system Information system is a set of resources, Procedures (Methods) and people; that captures data, transforms it by using procedures into information; store it for further use; exchange information within and outside the organisation.
Computer Based Information System Computer based information system is a collection of elements like hardware, software, data, communication network and people to produce reliable and accurate information. In other words, “Computer to Computer exchange of information” is called Computer Based Information System. Information system is of two types – Manual and Automatically. Automatic Information system is called the Computer based information system. Computer is now a source of information.
Components of CBIS ( IT) CBIS People Procedures SoftwareHardware Tele- Communi- -cation Data
Functions of CBIS or Working of CBIS 1. Data collection 2. Input data 3. Process data 4. Output 5. Storage 6. Control
Advantages of CBIS High speed Accuracy Storage facilities Reliability Reduction of paper work Reduction of cost Reduction in space requirements Reduction in manpower requirements Secrecy Communication Presentation
Disadvantage of CBIS Dependence Training Cost Rapidly change in technology Lack of flexibility.
Information Technology(IT) or Information System Introduction:. Computer based information system (IT) is a collection of elements like hardware, software, data, communication network and people to produce reliable and accurate information.
People Data Software Hardware Networks
So,IT is reshaping the basics of business. Customer services, marketing strategies,product strategies, distribution are entirely depend on IT. Truly, with IT, the computer has made a significant impact on all fields of our day to day life, e.g. reservation of air and railway tickets, buying and selling items on the internet, electronic market, online bank transactions, entertainment, education, communication, hotel reservation etc. The computer that support business functions can be found on the desk, on the shop floor, in the store even in the business. IT performs three major roles in any type of organisation or business. 1.Support of business operations. 2.Support of managerial decision making. 3.Support of strategic competitive advantage.
Support of strategic advantage Support of managerial decision making Support of Business Operations
Impact of IT on Business 1. Managers and IT 2. Organisation and IT (organisation is benefitted from Information Technology like intranet. Here all departments of organizations work in shared manner without any disturbance of unauthorised persons to achieve a common goal. IT also helps the managers in an organization in decision making, as only useful information is available from vast amount of data. Information technology must accommodate people,tasks, technology, culture and structure of an organisation. With IT, there is quick and easy communication and collaboration among individuals, business units and collaboration among other organizations,using electronics instead of papers.) 3. Office Automation 4. E-Commerce and IT
5. Marketing and IT a) At-Home shopping b) Advertising c) Tele-marketing 6. Mobile Commerce and IT (Mobile commerce is totally based upon Information technology to purchase an item or services like ringtones,music pack, payment of bill etc.) 7. Information resource management.
8. Global business (wide availability of business): ( With the use of IT, one can do the business on internet at 24*7, and include dealing with cultural,political and geographical challenges posed by different countries,so this will helpful in expanding business to national and international level.) 9. Team Work environment 10.. Entertainment
Effect of IT on business Positive Effects (Advantages) 1.Faster Communication 2. Easy Accounting 3. Startup cost. 4. Time Management 5.Outsourcing 6.Improved Services 7.Large Business Scope (Global business) 8.Convenience.
Negative Effects 1.Impersonal Perception 2.Security Issues 3.Require Technical Equipments 4.Training 5.Implementation Expenses 6.Job elimination (Unemployment) 7.Distracting communication
Applications of IT Multimedia Applications Office Applications Education Banking and Financial Institutions Weather Forcasting Graphics and Image Processing Airlines and Railways Science, Technology Problems and Industry Automation. Computer Games.