Year 9 Hardware Research Task You will use this presentation to complete the task set For each of the hardware devices in this presentation you will – Find and insert an image – Answer the three Questions listed Example Monitor – Type of device- output – What is it used for- to view information being entered & stored on the computer – What kind of business and organisation use this device- schools, banks, hospitals, etc Example Monitor – Type of device- output – What is it used for- to view information being entered & stored on the computer – What kind of business and organisation use this device- schools, banks, hospitals, etc
1. Touch Screen ImageQuestions 1.Type of device (Input/Output/Storage) 2.What is it used for? 3.What kind of business and organisation use this device
2. NFC Reader ImageQuestions 1.Type of device (Input/Output/Storage) 2.What is it used for? 3.What kind of business and organisation use this device
3. Laser Cutter ImageQuestions 1.Type of device (Input/Output/Storage) 2.What is it used for? 3.What kind of business and organisation use this device
4. Barcode Reader ImageQuestions 1.Type of device (Input/Output/Storage) 2.What is it used for? 3.What kind of business and organisation use this device
5. Graph Plotter ImageQuestions 1.Type of device (Input/Output/Storage) 2.What is it used for? 3.What kind of business and organisation use this device
6. Graphics Tablet ImageQuestions 1.Type of device (Input/Output/Storage) 2.What is it used for? 3.What kind of business and organisation use this device
7. Chip & Pin ImageQuestions 1.Type of device (Input/Output/Storage) 2.What is it used for? 3.What kind of business and organisation use this device
8. Eye Scanner ImageQuestions 1.Type of device (Input/Output/Storage) 2.What is it used for? 3.What kind of business and organisation use this device
9. Body Scanner ImageQuestions 1.Type of device (Input/Output/Storage) 2.What is it used for? 3.What kind of business and organisation use this device