EndoGYNious & the new PelviGYNious for Laparoscopic SacroColpoPexy LSCP Area Managers Meeting Q3 / 2014 Feldkirch, A.M.I. Headquarters
PelviGYNious General situation PelviGYNious A.M.I UroGyne information & presentation file for sales people and surgeons – UroGyne Presentation Folder – A.M.I. UroGyne USB data stick 2
General Situation Despite FDA there is and will always be a need for transvaginal meshes. TV mesh surgery properly performed, with the right indication and the right product is: – faster – less invasive – more efficient versus traditional surgery – more safe – and much less expensive 3
General Situation Today the situation is different from market to market. In countries like UK, Australia, Israel, having a close relation to the US the use of transvaginal meshes has decreased a lot because of the FDA warning. Even if surgeons were happy with their previous mesh results, they are reluctant to continue because they fear patient’s suing them. 4
General Situation Because of this, laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy is getting more and more popular, even open sacrocolpopexy. We can categorize three types of gynecologists. One group favoring the transvaginal route, another the transabdominal route, and a third doing both of it. American gynecologists never had a history of transvaginal surgery, it was never popular. According to European surgeons, this could be another reason why their failure rate of transvaginal POP surgery with mesh is high. Anyway, since FDA there is a high interest of TV surgeons changing over to the LAP group. LSCP is considered to cause less complications versus the TV approach. One of the latest Cochrane Analysis supports this view. 5
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PelviGYNious There is a new demand for lap training possibilities. If you manage to offer such training to surgeons, you’ll benefit and increase your lap product sales including meshes, instruments, disposable loading units. AMI cannot offer basic laparoscopic trainings for gynecologists. We can offer trainings to those whole have already lap experience. 8
PelviGYNious We started to sell our y-shaped EndoGYNious mesh and we have jet another innovative mesh product for LSCP. New and now available! PFR 5651 PelvGYNious – It is done according to the ideas of the well known pelvic floor center in Aarau/Switzerland, by Prof Schaer and Dr. Sarlos! 9
PelviGYNious It is for surgeons who prefer LSCP doing extensive mobilization down to the pelvic floor (levator plate) with mesh between the vagina and rectum to effectively treat any rectocele, and with mesh between the vagina and bladder to strengthen the vaginal wall and prevent recurrence of cystocele. 10
PelviGYNious Product CodePFR 5651 Transfer Price€ 180 Suggested Retail Price€ 380 Video Workshops – Schedule for 2015 in preparation – VIPs, opinion leaders short term possibility to visit and watch surgical cases in Aarau! 11
Make sure that……… ………….all sales people know what we can offer to POP surgeons. Have our newly designed UroGyne product folders including all meshes for the doctors to show, see, touch and feel how they look like Spread the information including our brochures, surgical studies and videos by handing out our AMI USB Sticks. 12
AMI EuroGyn USB Info File 13
Take Home Message AMI has products for every pelvic floor surgeon, no matter which technique he prefers. Two different products are available for the increasingly popular LSCP. Key surgeons should visit the well known Swiss/Aarau pelvic floor center. Make sure that all sales people have a complete product documentation. Support them in giving them the tools to spread this information in the market. 14