Humanitarian Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Basic Facts Over 1,000 people a day are dying. Diseases such as malaria, cholera and typhoid are destroying entire families and refugee camps. Over 4,000,000 people have died as result of the militias and the army within the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Many have been forced to leave their homes… en&categoryId=5http:// en&categoryId=5
They live in refugee camps… vu%20refugees.jpg e.jpg How would it feel to live in any of these places? How do you think the people feel having to live in such places?
With little or no food and water… 255_refugees300.jpg /images/_ _refugees300.jpg &categoryId=5http:// &categoryId=5 How would you feel to only eat every two or three days or just one day a week? How important is clean water? Would you drink unclean water if you knew it would make you sick?
Most of the victims are children… What do these pictures say to you? What is one word you would use to describe these children?
Bibliography Congo (DR): General Situation. July 6, Congolese Facing Malnutrition Jan 12, July 6, fugees300.jpg fugees300.jpg Dont Forget Africas Hungry, Warns WFP. July 6, pg pg Finding Enough to Eat. July 6,
Bibliography Genocides, Politicides, and Other Mass Murder Since 1945, With Stages in July 6, Human Rights Watch: The Curse of Gold. July 6, UN Lack of Action in Bukavu. July 6, avu%20refugees.jpg avu%20refugees.jpg July 6, obal%20appeal%20congo%20school(1).jpg obal%20appeal%20congo%20school(1).jpg