Harnett County Schools Technical Assistance Meeting Patricia Hobbs, Assistant Superintendent of At-Risk Programs Larry Northe, Principal of Academic Support Center & Success Academy N. Carnell Robinson, Dropout Prevention & Parent Involvement Coordinator Denise J. Logan, Dropout Prevention & Parent Involvement Coordinator Miranda Y. Pearson, Mediator & Dropout Prevention Project Administrator
SMART Outcome 1 By the end of the school year 2010, 85% of the students who have taken Algebra I or Geometry and failed will pass Algebra I or Geometry. 540 students were targeted and 506 (94%) met the benchmark.
SMART Outcome 2 By end of school year 2010, 90% of the students who had failed one or more courses will recover the credits back and be on track for graduation. 540 students were targeted and 506 (94%) met the benchmark.
Effects of Planned Activities Logic Model Inputs Attendance records, Collaborative agreements, Course grades, End-of-Grade (EOG)/End-of-Course (EOC) Scores Facility, Grant funds, LEA and /or school dropout rate / number of students who dropped out, LEA and/or school graduation rate, Number or percentage of students retained, Parent involvement attendance in grant funded program Activities, Personnel, Referral records, Suspension records Training materials, Transportation, Peer Tutoring Program Dropout Prevention/Parent Involvement Coordinators Behavioral Support Activities Planning, Researching, Contracting, Monitoring, Reporting, Service delivery (delivering service to students), Training, Screening, Transcript evaluation, Parent/Student orientation, Student transition/reentry into reg. ed., Peer Tutoring Outcomes Course grades, EOC scores, Improved competencies and social skills Improved school behavior, as measured by office referrals, Improved school behavior, as measured by suspensions, Increase in number of courses passed, Increased Algebra 1 pass rates, Increased attendance rates, Increased placement/enrollment in honors classes, Increased placement/enrollment in AP classes, Math EOG scores, Reading EOG scores, Reduction in tardies, Science EOG scores, Increased graduation rate, Decreased number of dropouts Outputs Demographics of youth served Number of youth served Schools attended by program participants Time spent training staff or volunteers Time spent training teachers Effects of Planned Activities Planned Activities
Effects of Planned Activities Logic Model Planned Activities Students who qualify for the credit recovery program have already dropped out of school the past academic school year or are potential dropouts based on failing two or more classes, failed two or more subjects in two of the past four years, consistently tardy or absent from school, has two or more in-school or out-of-school suspensions during the past school year, a student who is pregnant, a family history of dropping out, below grade level in reading or math skills, and little to no parent involvement. A list of these students will be given to the Principal and he/she, an Assistant Principal, and a School Counselor will select the students to participate in the course Academic Support I or II. The County will serve up to approximately 800 students each school year and approximately 200 during the summer sessions. Fifteen students per 90 minute class period (4 periods a day) are enrolled in Academic Support I or II (Credit Recovery Program)at their high school. They work closely with the Credit Recovery Teacher on the NovaNet Program (computerized credit recovery courses in the area of Science, Math, Reading, Social Studies, and Electives). The program is also being used at the Academic Support Center and most recently placed in the middle schools ISS classrooms as well as our alternative school. Teachers employed to work with these students are certified and licensed in the State of North Carolina and have experience working with at-risk students and exceptional children. The Peer Tutoring Program works in conjunction with the Credit Recovery Program at the high schools. This program is utilized as a prevention program for students at high risk for dropping out. If a currently enrolled student is selected to participate in this Credit Recovery Program, his/her parent(s) will receive information introducing the class objectives and will be required to visit the school for an orientation session and to sign a contract agreeing to support their child while in this class. Students who have already dropped out are mailed a letter inviting them to the 3:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. classes either at the Academic Support Center or afterschool sessions at a nearby high school. They, too, will need to come in for an orientation session, registration, and sign up. Effects of Planned Activities Ensuring all students receive a quality education and graduate from high school is the primary goal. Once a student knows he/she has an opportunity to “recover” lost credits, they will be motivated to work harder and will give them a reason to remain in school with their peers. Another effect or impact will be to have every student making responsible career choices and managing the challenges of a rapidly changing workplace. Drop-out prevention through a supervised and supportive environment allows students to “catch up” with peers toward meeting course requirements for graduation. Another effect is helping students and parents deal with barriers and problems affecting remaining in school as well as progress in school.
Academic Support Center Middle and High School Students suspended from their home school for 3 – 10 Day Behavior modification / Student attendance 2007 – 2008 Total Students 363 Total Days – 2159 2008 – 2009 Total Students – 687 Total Days – 3200 2009 – 2010 Total Students – 620 Total Days - 3030
Success Academy 21 Credit Program for over-age/below grade level HS students. Started 2nd Semester-2009 with 18 students, 1 student graduated Jun 10. Started 2010 with 15 students, 13 students still enrolled, expect 6 students to graduate Jun 11.
Harnett County Schools Dropout Prevention Early identification of students exhibiting at risk factors Mentoring and Counseling to address barriers to academic success Increased parental involvement through communications, conferences and school activities Collaboration with schools and community resource organizations to insure that students and families have access to needed resources to enhance student performance
Star Academy Alternative School Initiatives Transcript analysis and academic counseling Character Education: Focused on goal development and career options On campus exposure to 2 and 4 year college opportunities Town Hall Meetings: Relevant teen issues Career Day Annual Star Day Recognition Luncheon and Program
Mediation & Drop Out Prevention Project The Harnett County Schools Mediation and Dropout Prevention Project is designed to provide an avenue by which offenders, disputants, or victims can come together, in a non-threatening environment to reach a solution agreeable to all parties. At-Risk students who are in need of interventions beyond basic counseling will be referred. Proactive measures, involving the school, community, and parents will aid to ensure that a student does not drop out of school.
Dropout Prevention 2010 Summer Recruitment 86% of the students who dropped out were contacted Some attended and successfully completed Summer Academy and others returned in August. Currently, there are some, who are attending Success Academy and are doing extremely well.
Summer Credit Recovery Students recover courses they were not successful with during the school year. Increase students confidence level and provide a structured environment for summer school. 2008-2009, Enrolled 126, 94 Completed (one) 1 or more courses. 2009 – 2010, Enrolled 133, 103 completed (one) 1 or more courses, Graduation Ceremony for 12 Seniors. 3 Sessions at 2 locations 2 Sessions at 2 locations