NC Accountability Conference June Atkinson, State Superintendent Sunshine Darkness and
6 Elementary School High School Middle School College and Career Ready Pre-Kindergarten
Common Core State Standards Destination
Re-calculating Formative and Interim Assessments
10 Elementary School High School Middle School College and Career Ready Pre-Kindergarten
Graduation Rate Graduation Rate NC Race to the Top Proposal NC Race to the Top Proposal Common Core Standards Common Core Standards ACRE/Accountability System ACRE/Accountability System Educator Evaluation System Educator Evaluation System
71.7% 18% 19% %
: 71.7% : 70.3% : 69.5%
Graduation Rates by LEA Legend: 100% - 95% Yellow 94% - 90%Blue 94% - 90%Blue 89% - 85%Green 89% - 85%Green 84% - 80%Red 84% - 80%Red
54.8% %
Highland School of Technology
R ace t o t he T op
$469 Million (over 4 years) $7.8 Billion
Graduation Rate Benchmarks
Goal of RttT: Advance Core Education Reforms College- and Career-ready standards and valid, reliable assessments
Goal of RttT: Advance Core Education Reforms Teacher effectiveness and equitable distribution of effective teachers
Goal of RttT: Advance Core Education Reforms Pre-K to higher education data systems
Goal of RttT: Advance Core Education Reforms Intensive support and effective intervention for low-performing schools
State Success Factors State Success Factors Standards and Assessments Standards and Assessments Data Systems Data Systems Great Teachers and Leaders Great Teachers and Leaders Turning Around the Lowest Achieving Schools Turning Around the Lowest Achieving Schools RttT
Student information Longitudinal data Learning management NC Data Systems
Improved PK-20 Data Systems State Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) Data Systems to Support Instruction RttT Assurances : NC CEDARS UID Data Warehouse NC P20+ Benchmark (Classroom, School, District) Formative Assessment (Classroom)
Learning Management Systems Standards Comprehensive assessments
Improved Data Systems Support for Low-performing Schools Teacher Effectiveness Standards and Assessments RTTT Assurances
Accountability System Revision Goal: Institute an accountability model that improves student achievement, increases graduation rates and closes achievement gaps. 3
We value what we measure rather measure what we value. Richard Hersh Teaching to a Test Worth Teaching to in College and High School
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We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future. President Franklin D. Roosevelt