Our Objectives Explain the evaluation requirements in terms of 21 st Century Education Initiatives in North Carolina Explain the record-keeping and reporting requirements
Pillars of Current Education Initiatives: Race to the Top Great People Quality Standards and Assessments Turnaround of Lowest-Achieving Schools Data System to Improve Instruction (Data Pillar)
Quality Standards and Assessments Success must be measured in terms of individuals meeting standards relating to success in school High quality standards for all students
Data Systems (The Data Pillar) 1.Review school system data to identify characteristics of potential dropouts and areas of greatest need. 2.Identify target groups using individual student data. 3.Develop an Information Management System for documenting that services meet the needs of the students served. 4. Develop an Information Management System for measuring student success against quality standards and assessments.
End of the At-Risk Model Students are served based on demographic risk factors Needs determined by subgroup characteristics Success measured by whole group data No need to keep records of individuals served
Data Pillar & Quality Standards Students who have a high probability of scoring below grade level in 9 th grade algebra if they do not receive support will receive support. The type of support each individual receives will be documented. The percentage of these students who score at or above grade level will be reported.
Non-Targeted Prevention Services Freshman academies Career awareness Dont confuse with targeted interventions
Example of Prevention/Intervention Mixup Freshman dropout prevention program for students who scored Level I or II on 8 th grade math EOG Remedial math skills help Students had behavior problems Anger management and behavior interventions
© 2007 Jupiterimages Corp. © 2010 EDSTAR Analytics, Inc. 85% of students served were Level III and IV low- income and minority students who had never been suspended A Data Pillar Issue
Dropped Out in Ninth Grade
Check SMART Outcomes Data Pillar & Quality Standards What is your data source? Is the benchmark a quality standard? Attendance Suspensions Passing required courses Enrolling in rigorous courses
2009 District Academic Preparedness Report for Your County Schools 8 th Grade Projected to EOC Algebra I (Level III) © EDSTAR Analytics, Inc
EDSTAR Analytics, Inc Helped Wake Forest Rolesville Middle School in Raleigh, NC identify 50 students who would be successful in 8 th grade algebra, but were not recommended 100% of them were successful Top student in the class was one of these students Half of them had not had pre- algebra © EDSTAR Analytics, Inc
Minority student achievement in 8 th grade math went from 66% to 82% in one year! © EDSTAR Analytics, Inc
© 2010 EDSTAR, Inc. SMART Outcome Complete the checklist
Information Management and Reporting
Capacity checklist General checklist Roster workbook Monthly reporting link Expenditures and Receipts Workbook Contact information