Operation XcelPromoting Excellent Communities Education & Leadership
Mission Operation Xcel is a 501(C) (3) entity that engages students, parents and the community to increase educational, social and career skills through academic enrichment, parenting and advocacy, and empowerment workshops. We also provide access and tools to technology literacy.
How do we achieve the outcome Operation Homework – daily afterschool homework assistance, tutoring and enrichment Saturday Academy – monthly academic, social skills and emotional enrichment 3-Steps Ahead – summer enrichment camp Communities First Classes – weekly 2 hour training sessions for parents. Series offered –Basic computer skills – Microsoft office applications –Financial Literacy Millionaires in Training – Entrepreneurial Training
Operation Homework Operation Homework seeks to transform the lives of underserved populations by empowering individuals and families with life skills and the support needed to become responsible citizens prepared to succeed in higher education, careers, and service to the community.
Targets Poor study habits Declining test scores Lack of desire for learning Academic and social weaknesses This initiative promotes knowledge, skills, and understanding through enriching learning opportunities that complement the school day.
Services Provided: Homework completion Standardized test preparation Study habits training College entrance assistance Research assistance Individualized academic counseling Enrichment activities
Beauty on the Inside & Outside
Student Demographics
Poor Grades: 60% PEP 75% IEP 25% School suspensions 52% Low sense of belonging: 14% Dropout in family 25% Single or grand 39% Parents w/ addiction 11% Low Income 54% Learning Disabled 29%
Other Data Collected at Enrollment 60% poor grades 29% learning disabled 25% have IEP, 75% have PEP 25% have a dropout in family < 1% have parents that completed college 52% school suspensions 39% live with a single parent or grandparent 54% income below 200% of poverty level
Research Based Research also shows that if caring, concerned adults are available to young people, youth will be more likely to become successful adults themselves Students perform better academically when social and emotional areas are addressed as well
Operation Homework Success 63% improved level in Reading as measured by EOG scale scores 56% improved level Math as measured by EOG scale scores Volunteer Hours increased yr over yr – 300 in 07/08 –700+ in 09/10 –1000+ in 10/11
Saturday Academy Success We were able to give 50+ youth the opportunity to experience such things as the: Bodies Revealed Exhibit at the Natural Center Future Cents: The Reality Store at the Public Library supporting financial literacy; EOG (End-of- Grade) test boot camp, Etiquette Training and lunch at Flemings and many more.
Community First Training 75% of enrollees lacked basic knowledge of word processing, accessing and conducting research on the internet, and using as measured by assessments 89% of students shifted to Good, Very Good or Exceptional in the above mentioned areas as measured by assessments administered by instructors
3 Steps Ahead Summer Camp 30% of students improved in reading by an entire year of instructional level. All remaining students improved by at least 10%. In math, average improvement is 18%. For 2011, we added a Summer Foods Component (USDA program) serving 35+ students 1662 meals.
CHALLENGES Communication Attendance Parent Engagement Transportation/ Location
Overall Key Accomplishments Improved suspension rates by of students served Math EOG 75% passed on 1 st attempt, 85% passed or increased level on 2 nd attempt Reading EOG 55% passed on 1 st attempt, 80% passed or increased level on 2 nd attempt Higher level EOC: 80% passed on 1 st attempt Expanded computer lab by increasing operational hours Increased # students enrolled in higher level courses 17.6% 98% of Seniors graduate (1 GED) Volunteer Hours college students and community Clients/Students gave volunteer hours