Detailed Slideshow
Why is North Carolina developing Home Base? The central focus of READY is improving every students learning... …and enabling and ensuring great teaching is how we get there. One of the ways to enable great teaching is to put powerful tools in the hands of teachers and school leaders.
What is Home Base and what will it do? Information The Home Base student information system will replace NC WISE. The system will allow educators to collect key data and manage student information in a secure, useful way. Among other things, Home Base will be used for: Attendance Scheduling Grading Transcripts Parent and Student Portals Instruction The Home Base instructional improvement system will have a suite of standards- aligned tools to enable great teaching. Every user will have one password to enter only one time to access resources and tools. Home Base will have two key functions: think: a simpler, better information system to replace NC WISE Informational think: a new standards- aligned tool for instruction, assessment, data analysis and professional development Instructional Home Base is an online tool for teaching and learning. Educator Effectiveness Evaluation and Professional Development Instructional design, practice & resources including a Learning Management System Assessment Data Analysis and Reporting Different users will have different types of access. For example: Teachers can search for great lesson plans then create classroom assessments, crunch the resulting data to adjust instruction and communicate progress to parents – all in Home Base. Principals can monitor ongoing benchmark assessment data, compare it to mid-year observation ratings and then access professional development to address staff needs – all in Home Base
Assessment In the novel, what motivated Sarahs behavior? Support your claim with evidence from the text. Functional Categories – The Basics Home Base tools are designed to help you manage information and improve instruction. Student Information and Learner Profile Educator Effectiveness: Evaluation and Professional Development Instructional Design, Practice & Resources Data Analysis and Reporting InformationInstruction Major Functions Attendance Scheduling Grading Transcripts Parent, Student and Educator Portals Highlights Portals so students, parents and educators can access information Data validation tools to make managing student information easier and improve data quality Security to make sure only the right people can access data Major Functions Find high-quality resources based on standards or search criteria Contribute to a shared repository of North Carolina-made resources Highlights Major Functions Develop aligned assessments for formative, interim or summative purposes Deliver assessments Highlights Major Functions Compile and analyze data Share progress with students and colleagues Analyze data to take informed action Highlights Integrate with assessment tools and student information to deliver data on student progress to teachers, parents and students in an easy-to-understand, actionable way Easy access to your data and a direct, fast way to pull it Major Functions Record and organize NC Educator Evaluation System observation and evaluation data (replacing the current online tool) Select resources aligned to meet professional development needs Highlights Professional Development resources aligned to the North Carolina Educator Evaluation Rubric Learning Management System Tools for Teaching Built to help educators teach, organize, communicate and collaborate online with their students Vetted and standards- aligned resources Classroom & Interim Summative A rich bank of items to build your own rigorous, standards-aligned assessments Delivery of summative assessments online including computer adaptive testing
Assessment Student Information and Learner Profile Instructional Design, Practice & Resources Data Analysis and Reporting Information a simpler, better information system to replace NC WISE Integrated Instructional Solution a new standards-aligned tool for instruction (e.g. lesson plans, unit plans), assessment and data analysis Effectiveness a simpler, better online evaluation system and new professional development system InformationInstruction Educator Effectiveness: Evaluation and Professional Development Test Nav Summative Assessment OpenClass Collaboration Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment PowerSchool Student Information Truenorthlogic Evaluation and PD
Products being integrated to create Home Base OpenClass Collaboration Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment PowerSchool Student Information Core Instructional Improvement System Test Nav Summative Assessment Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation R R = Required R R User Portal Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation Truenorthlogic Professional Development via PowerSchool Initial Content Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies Assessment Items for Benchmarking and Classroom Assessment Instructional Content (e.g. lesson plans and unit plans) housed in the NC Learning Object Repository
Products being integrated to create Home Base OpenClass Collaboration Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment PowerSchool Student Information Core Instructional Improvement System Test Nav Summative Assessment Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation R R = Required R R Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation Truenorthlogic Professional Development Initial Content Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies Assessment Items for Benchmarking and Classroom Assessment Instructional Content housed in the NC Learning Object Repository The required functionalities of Home Base provided for districts free of charge
Products being integrated to create Home Base Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment PowerSchool Student Information Core Instructional Improvement System Test Nav Summative Assessment Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation R R = Required R R Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation Truenorthlogic Professional Development Initial Content Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies Assessment Items for Benchmarking and Classroom Assessment Instructional Content (e.g. lesson plans and unit plans) housed in the NC Learning Object Repository Instructional Improvement Tools are optional We believe districts will find value in these tools to improve instruction Districts will have the school year to use all of Home Base cost-free OpenClass Collaboration
How will Home Base be rolled out? Home Base will be available to districts without costs for the school year. Home Base will be phased in with many key functions available at the beginning of the school year year will be a kick-off year; we expect it to take districts time to learn and apply the resources in Home Base.
During the kick-off year, districts will be able to use the optional functions of Home Base at their own discretion. By March of 2014, districts will be able to choose to cost-share for the optional tools in Home Base in at $4 per student.
Products being integrated to create Home Base OpenClass Collaboration Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment PowerSchool Student Information Core Instructional Improvement System Test Nav Summative Assessment Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation R R = Required R R Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation Truenorthlogic Professional Development Initial Content Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies Assessment Items for Benchmarking and Classroom Assessment Instructional Content housed in the NC Learning Object Repository Required Tools will always be Free of Charge
Products being integrated to create Home Base Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment PowerSchool Student Information Core Instructional Improvement System Test Nav Summative Assessment Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation R R = Required R R Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation Truenorthlogic Professional Development Initial Content Math, ELA, Science and Social Studies Assessment Items for Benchmarking and Classroom Assessment Instructional Content (e.g. lesson plans and unit plans) housed in the NC Learning Object Repository Optional Tools will be free in and will require a $4 per student cost share in OpenClass Collaboration
Why this approach? Offers time to work with Home Base and plan to use its functionality to improve student outcomes Offers time to consider how Home Base might save districts money
Time Line July/August 2013 PowerSchool Student Information R Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation R Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation User Portal via PowerSchool Students Parents Teachers Administrators State Admin Content Specialist Student Information Scheduling Gradebook Attendance Transcripts Instructional Tools Classroom and Benchmark Assessments Reporting Online Evaluation (Teachers Only) Initial Content NWEA Science and Social Studies Assessment Items [9,600 items] ClassScape Items in EOG and EOC tested subjects (Math, ELA, Science) [22,000 items] Pearson Science and Social Studies Digital Library [~10,000 resources] Open Educational Resources from NC Learning Object Repository [4,000 and counting}
Time Line October 2013 OpenClass Collaboration + Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation Collaboration Online Evaluation (Principals and Teachers) Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation Next Generation K-12 Common Core ELA and Math Items [starting in October and phased-in]
Time Line March 2014 Truenorthlogic Professional Development Test Nav Summative Assessment R School Year +
Time Line July/August 2013 PowerSchool Student Information R Schoolnet Instructional Tools and Assessment Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation R Content in System Tools for Teaching Assessment Creation October 2013 Teacher only OpenClass Collaboration + Truenorthlogic Educator Evaluation Principals March 2014 Truenorthlogic Professional Development Test Nav Summative Assessment R
Training and Support PowerSchool Training is well under way Classroom Instruction and Assessment: Schoolnet Training Training for districts this summer (June 20 – July 3, 2013) Ongoing technical training and support webinars starting in July/August. Certification training for districts that opt-in spring of 2014 Planning in development for technical support, logistics and implementation support Start Learning Now! PowerSource is available to you at Online learning modules and videos that will help educators learn to use the tools in Home Base. Request your log-in (ask your LEA PowerSchool contact lead or your NC WISE Coordinator)
Training and Support Educator Effectiveness: Truenorthlogic Evaluation Training Educator Effectiveness Training for the Teacher Evaluation that will take place from June 20 - July 3 Ongoing Technical Training and Support Webinars starting in July/August Principal Evaluation Training in September 2013 and Professional Development Tool Training in February 2014
Minimum Technical Requirements Home Base North Carolinas Instructional Improvement (IIS) and Student Information System (SIS) Minimum End-User Technical Requirements The Minimum Technical Specifications document will be updated as needed. Please visit the link below to find the most current version of this document. ready
Home Base Website and Updates Home Base website is To sign up for Home Base Biweekly Newsletter, please as ask to be placed on the newsletter listserv. We will continue to the biweekly updates, but you can also find them archived on the Home Base website at
Contact: Remedy You can your questions about Home Base (the system, implementation or training) Questions will be logged into Remedy for assistance Support personnel provide the answer, research or assign to the appropriate area for resolution Incidents are categorized for statistical reporting to aid in identifying problem areas as well as providing a knowledge base If you have a question that is not about the system, implementation or training, you may contact the Home Base staff at