Mission In partnership with the community, we will continually improve all educational services to prepare our students today for a successful tomorrow
Innovative Programs Center for Innovative Learning Dropout Prevention GCS Virtual Enterprise International Juvenile Attendance Council (JAC) Day Treatment Granville Online School (GO)
JAC Judicial Attendance Council of Granville County
Purpose of JAC The purpose of the Judicial Attendance Council is to assist the Granville County School System in addressing the needs of families in violation of the Compulsory Attendance Law without resorting to judicial action.
Purpose… continued The Judicial Council will serve as a diversionary program instead of charging the parent(s) or children with truancy. The focus of the Council will be to determine solutions the council members can offer the family to avoid future truancy problems.
Eligibility Families that are in violation of the Compulsory Attendance Law (G.S.115C-378) Families that are consistently truant due to ongoing problems School Administrators may utilize past attendance records to determine whether a family should be referred to the council
Referral Process Schools seek assistance from District Attendance Officer after they have exhausted their resources Attendance Officer meets with the family and the school to make a contract Attendance Officer makes referral to JAC Coordinator if contract is violated
Referral Process… continued JAC Coordinator interviews the family and invites them to JAC JAC Coordinator and parent agree on a date and an official letter is delivered to the parent via local law enforcement JAC Coordinator briefs the council with background information
Referral Process… continued Council makes recommendations to the family JAC Coordinator follow-up with families and service providers for a period of time as determined by the council Families that fail to appear before the council or fail to follow the councils recommendations will be charged through the regular judicial process
Judicial Oversight The Honorable Carolyn J. Yancey The Honorable S. Quon Bridges
Council Members District Attorneys Office District Court Judge Granville County Schools GC Department of Social Services Five County Mental Health Authority Department of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention Oxford Police Department
Council Members… continued Granville County Sheriffs Department Clergy Families Living Violence Free Interpreter (as needed) Total Resource Foundation Oxford Housing Authority Juvenile Community Service and Teen Court
Successes Families that comply continue to use resources after they have been terminated from JAC Families learn how to request assistance from the schools Students find new interests that forces them to make school a priority (volunteering, sports, etc.)
Challenges Funding to employ enough personnel to adequately manage truancy Identifying the families that have a genuine need for assistance Addressing the needs of the habitually truant families
Innovative Programs Dr. Timothy J. Farley, Superintendent Dr. Michael A. Myrick, Presenter Director of Innovative Programs (919)