NCEXTEND1 Middle School Reading
What Does it Look Like? Something like this... NCEXTEND Student Test BOOKLET Picture/Symbol Text Cards Manipulatives
How Does it Work? Assessor reads test item script to student Assessor presents materials/manipulatives Student responds to item or question Assessor 1 and Assessor 2 record student score
Student Items All items are based on the NC Standard Course of Study Extended Content Standards by grade level. All items are one-step questions that are scored as either correct or incorrect. Item sets will include Easy Items Medium Items Hard Items Most materials will be supplied by NCDPI
Middle School Reading There are a total of 15 reading items per grade. Each student is administered all 15 items.
Sample Middle School Reading Selection Surprise Lunch The class is making lunch for the teacher. They are having pizza, juice and dessert.
Sample Middle School Reading Selection James is making the pizza.
Sample Middle School Reading Selection Trisha is making the juice.
Sample Middle School Reading Selection Carl is making the dessert.
Sample Middle School Reading Selection James put the pizza in the oven to cook. Trisha stirs the juice. Carl mixes the pudding.
Sample Middle School Reading Selection Everything is ready. Shhhhhh. Mrs. Davis walks in the room.
Sample Middle School Reading Selection SURPRISE!! Mrs. Davis smiles and enjoys her lunch with the class.
Sample Middle School Reading Item Student Assessment Materials: Card A: pizza (picture/text) Card B: juice (picture/text) Card C: pudding (picture/text) Directions Read story to student. Story may be read as many times as necessary. Present card A, then card B, then card C. SAY: This says pizza. This says juice. This says pudding. SAY: Which does Trisha make for lunch? Show me what Trisha makes for lunch.
Sample Middle School Reading Item Student Assessment Materials: Card A: Pizza, juice, ice cream (picture/text) Card B: Hot dogs, juice, pudding (picture/text) Card C: Pizza, juice, pudding (picture/text) Directions Read story to student. Story may be read as many times as necessary. Present card A, then card B, then card C. SAY: This says pizza, juice, ice cream. This says hot dogs, juice, pudding. This says pizza, juice, pudding. SAY: Which card shows what students make for lunch? Show me what the students make for lunch.
NCEXTEND1 Eligibility Criteria To determine student participation in the NCEXTEND1, the following eligibility criteria must be met: The NCEXTEND1 Alternate Assessment is designed for students with disabilities who: Have a current IEP; Are enrolled in grades 3–8 or 10 according to the Student Information Management System (e.g., SIMS/NCWISE); Are instructed in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Extended Content Standards in ALL assessed content areas; and Have a SIGNIFICANT COGNITIVE DISABILITY (i.e., exhibit severe and pervasive delays in ALL areas of conceptual, linguistic and academic development and also in adaptive behavior areas, such as communication, daily living skills and self-care).
NCEXTEND1 Eligibility Criteria (continued) The vast majority of students with disabilities do not have a significant cognitive disability. The NCEXTEND1 is NOT appropriate for students who: are being instructed in ANY OR ALL of the general grade-level content standards of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study; demonstrate delays only in academic achievement; demonstrate delays due primarily to behavioral issues; demonstrate delays only in selected areas of academic achievement; or if in high school, are pursuing a North Carolina high school diploma (including students enrolled in the Occupational Course of Study). The NCEXTEND1 Alternate Assessment is designed for students who have a severe intellectual disability; it is NOT designed for students who have a specific learning disability.
NCEXTEND1 Eligibility Criteria (Continued) The eligibility criteria for NCEXTEND1 are available for download at the following address: policyoperations/ncextend1/ncextend1eligibilitycri teria pdf