1 1 Next Generation Accountability Model Lou Fabrizio, Ph.D. NCDPI Collaborative Conference for Student Achievement April 19, 2011
2 School Accountability Taking Stock of Progress to Date
3 Agenda Making progress o Review of Our Model o Post-Secondary Readiness o Progress on Simulations o Federal Update: No Child Left Behind Reauthorization o Multi-State Assessment Consortium Update o Feedback and Discussion
NCDPIs Response to Framework For Change SBEs Framework For Change Blue Ribbon Commission Report Accountability and Curriculum Reform Effort
Essential Standards Assessments Accountability Accountability and Curriculum Reform Effort
Goal: Institute an accountability model that… improves student achievement increases graduation rates closes achievement gaps
Student Achievement Post-Secondary Readiness Based on authentic assessments Metric to be determined Robust measures using more historical data 5-year cohort Students meeting the Future-Ready Core requirements Indicators 7 Student Growth Graduation Rates Math Course Rigor
Student Achievement Post-Secondary Readiness Graduation Rates Math Course Rigor Based on North Carolinas Next Generation Summative Assessments Indicators 8 Student Growth
Student Achievement Post-Secondary Readiness Student Growth Graduation Rates Math Course Rigor Indicators Post-Secondary Readiness Graduation Rates Math Course Rigor Δ Δ Δ Absolute Performance Index Growth Index 9
10 Lower Performance Higher Growth Higher Performance Higher Growth Lower Performance Lower Growth Higher Performance Lower Growth Performance Index Growth Index
Proposed Uses (of indicators) Report Reward and Sanction Target Assistance 11
Levels at which indicators might be used State LEA School Classroom Student o Revised Student Accountability o RttT and Educator Effectiveness Workgroup o Teacher Evaluation Tool o Much is decided; key issues remain outstanding 12
13 Future-Ready Core Inclusion More Robust Growth Model Five-Year Grad Rate Index System (including bonus points) Student Accountability Updated o Review of Decisions o Outstanding Issue Post-Secondary Readiness State LEA School
14 Post-Secondary Readiness o Importance of Readiness o RFP Response o Other Measures?
Simulations 2/10/201415
16 Lower Performance Higher Growth Higher Performance Higher Growth Lower Performance Lower Growth Higher Performance Lower Growth Performance Index Growth Index
17 o Four years of data from EVAAS to model new growth component o Initial Finding: Stability in identifying higher and lower performing schools when changing weighting o Checks and balances o Additional results to come Simulation Status
18 Federal Focus on… o Readiness o Low-achieving schools o Teacher Evaluation and Improvement Systems o Flexibility By this spring?
19 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium o Formative and Diagnostic Tools and Processes Will be used by teachers and students to diagnose a students learning needs, check for misconceptions, and/or to provide evidence of progress toward learning goal o Interim Optional comprehensive and content-cluster measures; Designed to provide actionable information o Summative Mandatory comprehensive accountability measures; Using computer adaptive testing and performance tasks
20 Questions and Discussion