Drafts of the North Carolina Essential Standards Globally Competitive Students Committee August, 2009
i. Back-story ii. Conceptual development {5 min} {10 min} iii. Writing the Essential Standards iv. Feedback and trends {15 min} v. Next generation and the Race to the Top {30 min} {10 min} w/ the Revised Blooms Taxonomy
i. Back-story NCDPIs Response to Framework For Change SBEs Framework For Change Blue Ribbon Commission Report Vision into Mandate
Essential Standards Assessments Accountability i. Back-story A Simple Vision from October 2008
i. Back-story Subjects Drafted Occupational Course of Study Mathematics K-12 Information and Technology Skills English II Math K - 8 Math A & B/C Higher-Level Math Integrated standards kindergarten through 12 th grade chunked K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 English I-IV Intro to Math Algebra Financial Management Applied Science
i. Back-story Writing Teams TeachersHigher Ed Accountability Staff EC & Curriculum Staff School Readiness Staff External Business Instructional Coaches Curriculum Directors Administrators
ii. Conceptual development Mission Our Goal: NC public schools will produce globally competitive students. The Purpose of Standards: To define and communicate the knowledge and skills a student must master to be globally competitive.
ES National & International Standards 21 st Century Skills Revised Blooms Taxonomy ii. Conceptual development Principles and Filters Enduring Measurable Clear and Concise Prioritized and Focused Rigorous Relevant to the Real World CriteriaFiltersCourse Generalized goals Examples and processes to achieve criteria Student Outcomes Assessment Prototypes
iii. Writing the Essential Standards Writing The Essential Standards w/ the Revised Blooms Taxonomy
National and International Standards Mathematics K-12 Standards Frameworks Achieve Mathematics Benchmarks College Board Standards for College Success National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Principles and Standards for School Mathematics National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Curriculum Focal Points for Pre-Kindergarten Through Grade 8 Mathematics Singapore Mathematics English Translation of the Japanese Mathematics Curricula in the Course of Study Assessment Frameworks Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Achieve College Board NCTM Focal Points Singapore & Japan TIMSS PISA NAEP iii. Writing the Essential Standards
English II Standards Frameworks Writing Framework and Specifications for the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress Reading Framework for the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress American Diploma Project English Benchmarks National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and the International Reading Association ( IRA) Standards for the English Language Arts NAEP National Council of Teachers of English International Reading Association iii. Writing the Essential Standards National and International Standards
Standards Frameworks Math Benchmarks ELA Benchmarks No Child Left Behind IDEA Jump Start National Standards for Financial Education Family Economics and Financial Education (FEFE) Math Benchmarks English Benchmarks NCLB IDEA Jump Start Occupational Course of Study iii. Writing the Essential Standards FEFE National and International Standards
Information and Technology Skills Standards Frameworks American Association of School Librarians Standards for the 21st-Century Learner International Society for Technology in Education Standards for Students Partnership for 21st Century Skills Framework AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students iii. Writing the Essential Standards 21 st Century Skills National and International Standards
ES Course iii. Writing the Essential Standards The Essential Standard is the organizing unit. Essential Standard
Revised Blooms Taxonomy is a taxonomy of both cognitive process and knowledge. iii. Writing the Essential Standards Revised Blooms Taxonomy
The student will interpret data from statistical investigations presented in tables and bar graphs. Subject VerbObject The Student Cognitive Process Knowledge Essential Standards take the following form... Example iii. Writing the Essential Standards Revised Blooms Taxonomy
Factual Conceptual Procedural Meta-Cognitive Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create The Cognitive Process Dimension The Knowledge Dimension iii. Writing the Essential Standards Revised Blooms Taxonomy
Cognitive Process The Cognitive Processes (or verbs) in the RBT have very specific meanings. Implementing requires adjusting a process to a new situation Explaining requires constructing a cause-and-effect model of a system (e.g. explain the recent downturn in the global economy) Inferring requires drawing a logical conclusion from presented information (e.g. in learning a foreign language, infer grammatical principles from examples) For Example: iii. Writing the Essential Standards Revised Blooms Taxonomy
iii. Writing the Essential Standards The RBT helps in achieving key goals: Depth Focus One Taxonomy Precise Language for PD Revised Blooms Taxonomy
Clarifying Objectives iii. Writing the Essential Standards Clarifying Objectives Essential Standard Understand the value of whole numbers and decimal representations from 0.01 to 100, N.3 Example Represent whole numbers and decimals using models, words and numbers (symbolic). Compare sets of two to six numbers, arranging them from least to greatest or greatest to least. Illustrate the place value structure of decimals and whole numbers when multiplying and dividing by 10.
Assessment Prototypes iii. Writing the Essential Standards Essential Standard Prototypical Assessment Prototypical Assessment Classroom EOC-EOG Written with measurement in mind.
New and Better Specifics iii. Writing the Essential Standards O Occupational Course of Study O Mathematics K-12 O Information and Technology Skills O English II Development of themes, concepts and skills over time Key organizing ideas at each grade level Math A and BC K-12 Information Skills and K-12 Computer Skill combined Narrowed focus on a very limited number of key concepts Algebra I course added Creation of a new Financial Management course Focused and more concise Alignment with 21st century content and skills
Course Support resources specific to course or subject Support resources aligned to specific Essential Standards Whats New and Why is it better for students? Crosswalk between old standards and new standards Mastery Tracking Sheets Guides for using textbooks and resources with ES Essential Standards Prototypical Assessments Classroom Prototypical Assessments EOC-EOG Benchmark/ Interim Assessment Tool Applying Revised Blooms Taxonomy Unit Plans Supporting and Instructional Objectives (unpacking) Resource Lists Released Forms of EOC/EOGs Vertical Alignment Tools and Pre-requisite Skills General Teaching Tools Revised Blooms Taxonomy PD 21 st Century Skills Formative Assessment Modules Uniform tools for all subject areas Extended Content Standards Instructional Support Toolkit {Draft} iii. Writing the Essential Standards
From Oct 08… ACRE Principles iv. Feedback and trends Transparency Alignment Measuring Our Success Stakeholder Involvement
Three primary means for involvement… Stakeholder Involvement iv. Feedback and trends Individual Public Comment Writing Teams LEA Collaborative Feedback Structured Business Feedback
Totals: From the individual/business survey On writing/review teams Collaborative LEA Feedback ~7500 ~12,112 stakeholders iv. Feedback and trends Stakeholder Involvement
All feedback was read and considered. Much of it improved the current drafts. Key Discussion Topics from Feedback iv. Feedback and trends
Too much rigor (particularly in the OCS) Scope of science Specificity of standards Understanding of Revised Blooms Taxonomy Teacher capacity with content changes Key Discussion Topics from Feedback iv. Feedback and trends
$ Budget Implications
What additional information do you need to make a confident vote on these draft standards? Details and trends from field feedback New, Better and Different statements for subjects National and International filters matrices Drafted assessment prototypes
North Carolinas Mandates Essential Narrow Deep Rigorous + Relevant Readiness for College and Career Race to the Top Essential Fewer, Higher, Clearer Focused Enduring Measurable Clear and Concise Prioritized and Focused Rigorous Readiness for College and Career The common core and the Draft Essential Standards use the same adjectives v. Next generation Next generation and the Race to the Top
The work of the Blue Ribbon Commission, Framework for Change and ACRE is aligned to the RTTT assurances. Improved Data Systems Support for Low-performing Schools Teacher Effectiveness Standards and Assessments RTTT Assurances Summative Essential Standards Benchmark Formative Assessment Race to the Top Assurances v. Next generation
Summative (Statewide) Essential Standards Benchmark (Classroom, School, District) Formative Assessment (Classroom) Will inform and reflect the common core work Apply for $350 million assessment grant. From Smart Options: Develop local data systems with formative, interim, and benchmark assessment data.... GrowthAchievement (EOCs and EOGs) K-12 ACRE and The Race to the Top v. Next generation
Common Core Time Line August 2009 Common Core Standards (ELA and Math) for College and Career Readiness DRAFTED Sept 2009 Common Core Standards (ELA and Math) for College and Career Readiness VALIDATED Dec 2009 Common Core Standards (ELA and Math) for K-12 DRAFTED Jan 2010 Common Core Standards (ELA and Math) for K-12 VALIDATED Early 2010 States submit timeline and process for adoption v. Next generation