UNESCO Regional Workshop (West Africa) on Capacity Building in STI Policy Reviews and ST Statistics & Indicators Bamako, 10-13 May 2010 The African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) Initiative -An Update- By Mr Seke Lukovi, ASTII Project Office Representative, AU-NEPAD Agency Dr Almamy Konte, ASTII Focal Point Representative, Senegal
AU-NEPAD Planning & Coordinating Agency The African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators Initiative (ASTII) PROGRESS TO DATE By Mr Seke Lukovi ASTII Project Office AU-NEPAD Planning & Coordinating Agency
Contents Setting the scene ASTII genesis and political mandate Programme definition, ASTII Governance structure & Phase-1 Partnership and collaboration 5. National Implementation 6. The ASTII National Focal Points 7. The ASTII Process in Countries Core Indicators: R&D and Innovation Challenges & Conclusion
1. Setting the Scene 1.1 GDP and Sectors of Economic Activities
STI 1. Setting the Scene 1.2 STI Impact Rationalise structures, institutions and actors in STI to dare social and economic development needs STI
1.3 Local Circumstances Matter 1. Setting the Scene 1.3 Local Circumstances Matter Country XZ Country ZX
2. ASTII Genesis & Political mandate AMCOST Decisions /comments Nov. 2003, Johannesburg RSA African countries endorsed the compilation of indicators for scientific research, technological development and innovation activities AMCOST I
2. ASTII Genesis & Political mandate Decisions /comments AMCOST II Decisions /comments Sept. 2005 Dakar Senegal The African Intergovernmental Committee on ASTII mandated to: spearhead a better understanding of national and regional S&I systems among African countries; enhance skills for STI policy review and development; improve the quality of STI policies; Promote the exchange of experiences, expertise and information; Strengthen regional cooperation. AMCOST II
2. ASTII Genesis & Political mandate AMCOST Decisions /comments Nov. 2007, Mombasa Presentation of the ASTII Road Map to AMCOST III March 2010 For Dec.2009 Cairo, Egypt The AMCOST outgoing Chair referred to ASTII as one of the working frameworks between AU-NEPAD and AUC AMCOST IV
2. ASTII Genesis & Political mandate Theme: Innovation Systems for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods Development in SADC Countries Title: "An overview of the potential of Science and Technology to address African development challenges: Creating an enabling environment for science technology" 2. ASTII Genesis & Political mandate S&T Plan for Africa AU Commission's 2004-2007 Strategic Plan for Human Resources, Science and Technology HRST): "Promote Human Resource Development, Capacity building and S&T as tools and Youth as partners for socio-economic development". November 2004 - March 2005: regional expert workshops identifying projects and actions. The Africa's Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action (CPA)
2. ASTII Genesis & Political mandate Theme: Innovation Systems for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods Development in SADC Countries Title: "An overview of the potential of Science and Technology to address African development challenges: Creating an enabling environment for science technology" 2. ASTII Genesis & Political mandate The Africa's Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action (CPA) Historical background/Motivation: Africa's Challenges to development: Adoption of a short term view to human development Science, Technology and Innovation not considered as source of growth and sustainable development (Please read for more information UNCTAD report 2007) Low public expenditure on R&D No collaboration between Research institutions and Industries (research findings) Brain drain Declining quality of education systems in Science and Engineering
Attempts to address Africa’s development problems prior to AMCOST Theme: Innovation Systems for Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Livelihoods Development in SADC Countries Title: "An overview of the potential of Science and Technology to address African development challenges: Creating an enabling environment for science technology" 2. ASTII Genesis & Political mandate Attempts to address Africa’s development problems prior to AMCOST July 1979 The Monrovia Strategy April 1980 Lagos Plan of Action for the Economic Development of Africa 1980-2000 and its Final Act Sept. 2000 Adoption of the UN-MDGs by African countries (September) Year 2002 Johannesburg Plan of Implementation adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development Feb. 2003 Establishment of the NEPAD S&T Forum prior to the Ministerial Conference
2. ASTII Genesis & Political mandate
3. Programme Definition, Governance & Phase-1 3.1 OVERALL GOAL : To contribute towards the improvement of the quality of science, technology and innovation policies at national, regional and continental levels 3.2 PURPOSE: To strengthen Africa’s capacity to develop and use Science, Technology and Innovation (ASTII) Indicators.
3. Programme Definition, Governance & Phase-1 3.3 Specific Objectives To develop and facilitate the adoption of internationally comparable STI indicators; To build human and institutional capacities for STI indicators and related surveys; To enable African countries to participate in international programmes for STI indicators; To inform African countries on the state of STI in Africa
AMCOST 3. Programme Definition, Governance & Phase-1 ASTII Governance structure Continental Coordination By The AU/NEPAD Office of Science & Technology AMCOST African Intergovernmental Committee on ASTII Initiative ASTII Faculty National Implementation by ASTII National Focal Points
3. Programme Definition, Governance & Phase-1 Phase-1: Countries participating in ASTII Initiative Algeria, Angola Burkina Faso Cameroon Egypt Ethiopia Gabon Ghana Kenya Lesotho Malawi Mali Mozambique Nigeria Senegal South Africa Tanzania Uganda Zambia 1 5 12 15 3 14 6 4 8 18 9 7 17 2 11 19 13 16 10
3. Programme Definition, Governance & Phase-1 NINE (9) CRITERIA FOR SELECTING COUNTRIES IN PHASE 1 Membership of the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and indication of when the peer review will be conducted; Demonstrated participation in at least one meeting of AMCOST; Commitment to adopt and use AU/NEPAD framework/guidelines; Demonstration of an existing overall STI policy process; Commitment to provide at least 25% of the total costs/budget for undertaking the national STI survey (Provisional: Based on seed fund); Commitment to make available to AU/NEPAD and share with other countries data/statistics as well as the national STI survey reports; Commitment to allow NEPAD/AMCOST to use the national STI data/survey report for regional comparisons as well as produce the African Science and Innovation Outlook; Commitment to use STI data/survey report to improve existing policies; Commitment to the overall ASTII work plan.
4. Partnership & Collaboration MoUs SIGNED WITH the University of Pretoria in South Africa; the Research Policy Institute of the University of Lund, Sweden; the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS); the Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA). COLLABORATION WITH the Statistics Department of the African Development Bank; the OECD National Working Party on Science and Technology Indicators (NESTI) the Centre for STI Indicators CeSTII of South Africa; the African Regional Centre for Technology in Dakar. STI EXPERTS (African and non African) are called in as resource persons to contribute with their know-how.
On the AU-NEPAD STI/UIS Collaboration 4. Partnership & Collaboration On the AU-NEPAD STI/UIS Collaboration To cooperate in increasing the availability and improving the quality of international comparable science, technology and innovation statistics in Africa; To support AU/NEPAD in facilitating the conduct of national science, technology and innovation surveys and the development of related indicators; To develop and offer joint training courses in science, technology and innovation policy to African government officials; To collaborate in supporting African governments to review and/or develop national science and technology policies and strategies; To collaborate in order to develop an African manual for science, technology and innovation surveys. ☼☼☼
By Dr Almamy Konte ASTII Focal Point Representative Senegal The African Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (ASTII) Initiative -An Update- In- country ASTII process By Dr Almamy Konte ASTII Focal Point Representative Senegal
5. National Implementation Designation of National Focal Points for implementation at national levels Adoption of Frascati & Oslo family of manuals as survey guidelines Agreement on core R&D and Innovation Indicators Training of members of Focal points and Harmonisation of Survey Instruments (March 2008, March 2009, December 2009) National surveys (R&D and innovation) Roadmap towards the publication and dissemination of the African Innovation outlook (AIO)
6. The ASTII National Focal Points Designated by National government, Each national focal point is cross- sectoral, inter-ministerial and multidisciplinary; Have the ability to convene meetings of all relevant stakeholders; Have legislative authority to collect or cause to collect statistics and participate in national sectoral surveys of relevance to the ASTII initiative; Possess a critical mass of expertise for the development of STI indicators, or have the ability to mobilize such expertise from other institutions; Organize training for and assemble national teams to conduct surveys; Enter into an agreement with AU-NEPAD Agency/OST on project related matters; Prepare and submit to AU-NEPAD Agency/OST authorized national STI surveys and/or indicators.
7. The ASTII Process in Countries R&D and Innovation concepts – learning process R&D and Innovation surveys- done R&D and Innovation data and Information –ongoing Production of R&D and Innovation indicators ( by June 2010) Dissemination of ASTII Data and Information (by July 2010) Phase 2 to commence by September 2010
8.1 Core Indicators /Principaux Indicateurs: R&D Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D (GERD), by source and Sector of performance: Higher education, Government; Business; Non-Profit organizations; Abroad R&D Personnel by level of formal qualification and occupation, gender (headcount (HC) & full-time equivalent (FTE)) :Higher education; Government; Business, on-Profit organizations (§ 5.2 Frascati 2002) Researchers by gender and field of study/research Outputs: publications, patents (not core but to be collected). Dépenses intérieures brutes de la R-D (DIRD), selon la source et le secteur d’exécution: Enseignement supérieur; Etat; Entreprises; Institutions prives sans but lucratif, A l’étranger Personnel de R&D selon le niveau de qualification formelle et d’occupation, le sexe (effectif (HC) & équivalent d’un employé à plein temps (FTE)) : Enseignement supérieur Gouvernement; Affaires; Organisations sans but lucratif (§ 5.2 Frascati 2002) Chercheurs par sexe et domaine d’étude/de recherche Outputs : publications, brevets (non fondamentaux mais à être recueillis).
8.2 Core Indicators: Innovation General information about the enterprise, business, company or firm Product (goods or services) innovation Process innovation Ongoing or abandoned innovation activities Innovation activities and expenditures Sources of information and co-operation for innovation activities Effects of innovation during the last two years Factors hampering innovation activities Intellectual Property Rights Organization and marketing innovations Informations générales sur l’entreprise, le commerce, la compagnie ou la société Innovation de Produit (Biens ou Services) Innovation de Processus Activités d’innovation en cours ou abandonnées Activités et Dépenses d’innovation Sources d’information et de coopération pour des activités d’innovation Effets de l’innovation au cours des deux dernières années Facteurs entravant les activités d’innovation Droits de Propriété Intellectuelle Innovations d’organisation et de marketing
9. Challenges & Conclusion Countries specific: Will be fully raised in the report and similar in average. CONCLUSION: ASTII assisted countries to learn more about international standards on STI and to adapt them at the national level. Governments are institutionalizing the initiative with appropriate budget line with this regard. Countries involved in Phase-1 will be part of the first report to be produced soon (Q3-Q4 2010). The phase officially ended in Addis-Ababa during the last workshop (validation) in December 2009 with a strong support of the AUC-HRST. Next Phase: To start in Q4-2010 - AOSTI: Information will be released accordingly once the process is sorted out.
THANKS! MERCI! www.africa-union.org, www.nepad.org Office of Science & Technology: www.nepadst.org ASTII Contact: pkmawoko@nepadst.org; seke@nepadst.org; nancy@nepadst.org