Sri Lanka National Innovation Survey (SLNIS 1) J. G. Shantha Siri Scientific Officer Technology Division National Science Foundation SRI LANKA Tel: + 94.


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Presentation transcript:

Sri Lanka National Innovation Survey (SLNIS 1) J. G. Shantha Siri Scientific Officer Technology Division National Science Foundation SRI LANKA Tel: Fax:

Country profile Area65, 210 Sq.Km Area65, 210 Sq.Km Population20.4 Mn Population20.4 Mn GDPUS $ 42 Bn GDPUS $ 42 Bn Per Capita GDPUS $ 2,053 Per Capita GDPUS $ 2,053 Sectoral composition of GDP Sectoral composition of GDP Agriculture12 % Industry29 % Other59 % Balance of payment -7 % of GDP Balance of payment -7 % of GDP Life expectancy 70 years (Male) Life expectancy 70 years (Male) 80 years (Female) Literacy rate91 % Literacy rate91 % Source : Central Bank of Sri Lanka – Annual Report 2009

Objective To give an introduction the National Innovation Survey of Sri Lanka

Outline 1. Introduction to innovation 2. Why Sri Lanka stepped into measuring innovation? 3. Sri Lanka National Innovation Survey 3.1 Objective 3.2 Scope 3.3 Methodology 3.4 Expected output 3.5 Progress & way forward 3.6 Lessons learnt 4. Conclusion

Definitions: 1. An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method in business (Oslo Manual, 3rd edition, 2005) (Oslo Manual, 3rd edition, 2005) 2. Innovation is the successful exploitation of a new idea (Mind to market), (Dr R A Mashelkar ) (Dr R A Mashelkar ) 3. Doing things differently having an impact 1. Introduction to innovation

Main types of innovation Product innovation Product innovation Process innovation Process innovation Marketing innovation Marketing innovation Organizational innovation Organizational innovation Radical Innovation Radical Innovation Incremental innovation Incremental innovation

2. Why Sri Lanka stepped into measuring innovation? Innovation is one of dominant factors in national economic growth Innovation is one of dominant factors in national economic growth Invest in innovation and its return on national productivity Invest in innovation and its return on national productivity A task for government is to create a conducive environment for firms to engage in innovative activities A task for government is to create a conducive environment for firms to engage in innovative activities Emphasis on the innovative and knowledge-creating activities when develop policy framework Emphasis on the innovative and knowledge-creating activities when develop policy framework To track vital conditions for innovation over time To track vital conditions for innovation over time To improve the innovation process To improve the innovation process

agricultural insecurity agricultural insecurity infectious and chronic diseases with global spread infectious and chronic diseases with global spread developing a low carbon economy developing a low carbon economy adapting to climate change adapting to climate change Common/shared problems to rich and poor Challenge before scientists/technologists

Innovation systems are expected to serve country's poverty reduction and economic growth agendas Scientists participate in global innovation systems Result based R & D framework Strengthening science innovation systems Strengthening science innovation systems In all these activities, we need to know about the present status of innovation and therefore, we need to measure the innovation In all these activities, we need to know about the present status of innovation and therefore, we need to measure the innovation Need for Innovation survey was identified in 2006 by the NSF Man constraint was lack of trained staff On-the-ground implementation – 2010 Can innovations bring common solutions Can innovations bring common solutions?

Goal 1. Science, Technology and Innovation for economic development Goal 2 A world-class national research and innovation eco-system Science, Technology and Innovation strategy for Sri Lanka

to identify factors hampering and encouraging innovations to identify factors hampering and encouraging innovations to assess the needs of industry in respect to innovation to assess the needs of industry in respect to innovation 3. Sri Lanka National Innovation Survey (SLNIS 1) 3.1 Objectives

3.2 Scope All industries in Sri Lanka classified as per International Standard Industrial Classification All industries in Sri Lanka classified as per International Standard Industrial Classification All product, process, organizational and marketing innovations All product, process, organizational and marketing innovations

3.3 Methodology Population: Industries in Sri Lanka classified as per International Standard Industrial Classification Data collection: - Questionnaire prepared as per guidelines in Oslo Manual, 3rd edition, Interviews – Executive opinion Data analysis: An appropriate statistical analysis based on rate and quality of responses

3.4 Expected output Publication of innovation survey findings ( a substantial report) Publication of innovation survey findings ( a substantial report) Innovation policy indicators Innovation policy indicators Strengthen public-private partnerships Strengthen public-private partnerships Benchmarking -firm level innovation capabilities Benchmarking -firm level innovation capabilities

Activity Month Formulation of questionnaire 1 & 2 2. Getting experts views 3. Printing of questionnaire 1 & 2 4. Preparation of industry database 5. Press release 6. Sending out questionnaire 1 7. Collection of responses 8. Sending out questionnaire 2 9. Collection of responses 10. Conducting interviews 11. Data compilation 12. Data analysis 13. Writing report/publication 14. Survey results dissemination among stakeholders completed 3.5 Progress & way forward

Number of questionnaire 1 sent – 3,100 Number of questionnaire 1 sent – 3,100 Number of responses received Number of responses received Response Rate - 11% Response Rate - 11% Number of questionnaire 2 sent Number of questionnaire 2 sent Number of responses received – 34 Number of responses received – 34 Response Rate - 12% Response Rate - 12% 3.5 Progress & way forward

3.6 Lessons learnt so far One-stop-shop for information about industries One-stop-shop for information about industries More awareness about innovation before the survey More awareness about innovation before the survey More awareness about the innovation survey and its benefits to industry More awareness about the innovation survey and its benefits to industry Sending reminders to enhance response rate Sending reminders to enhance response rate A direct telephone and preparedness to respond for clarifications from industry during the survey A direct telephone and preparedness to respond for clarifications from industry during the survey

4. Conclusion Innovation is a vital element in the knowledge based economy Innovation is a vital element in the knowledge based economy Measuring of innovation is required to understand factors that influence process of innovation as well as policy formulation Measuring of innovation is required to understand factors that influence process of innovation as well as policy formulation Sri Lanka has identified the importance of innovation and it has been included in the five year S & T strategy Sri Lanka has identified the importance of innovation and it has been included in the five year S & T strategy Innovation survey- Sri Lanka is in the learning curve Innovation survey- Sri Lanka is in the learning curve Innovation survey- so far a satisfactory progress has been achieved Innovation survey- so far a satisfactory progress has been achieved

SLNIS 1 – Questionnaire 1

SLNIS 1 – Questionnaire 2 Page 1 of 13

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