S&T CONTRIBUTION TO VISION 2016 GOALS Educated and Informed; Prosperous, Productive and Innovative Nation.
Department of Research, Science and Technology VISION: We will be the leader in coordination and development of research, science and technology KRA1: Effective Communication MCST KRAs KRA2: Knowledge advancement KRA3: Organisational efficiency Effective and Efficient Service Delivery Effective Research, Science and Technology (RST) Governance DRST KRAs Capability in Research, Science and Technology Access to adequate research infrastructure Enabling and Transparent research policies and legislation Prompt and quality services delivered CUSTOMERS Research & innovation funding support DRST customers Scientific community Industry Research institutions Other Govt Depts Safe use of science and technology Provision of up to date S& T information
1998: Science & Tech Policy Goal To achieve sustainable social and economic development in order to meet the present and future needs of the nation and the challenges of the next millennium.
Science & Tech 1998 cont Objectives ○Establish and strengthen capacity to research, evaluate, adapt, develop and disseminate suitable technologies; ○ Develop and raise the national productive capacity and improve competitiveness thru efficient application of S&T; ○ Promote and develop traditional , new and innovative technologies; ○ Create knowledge & awareness; ○ Improve and develop scientific & technological culture in Botswana.
2002: Establishment of the Ministry of Communications Science and Technology Telecommunications (BTC &BTA parastatals) Information Communication Tech Postal Services Media Printing Services Research and Development (3 parastatals) Radiation Protection
2004: Establishment of Department of Research, Science and Technology Research Coordination Capacity Building Stimulate Science & Tech Development Enabling Environment for R&D
DRST Initiatives Since Establishment 2004- current 2005: Formulation of the Botswana National Research Science and Technology Plan 2005: Introduction of Institutional Performance Reporting 2005: Development of the Botswana Research Science and Technology Funding Bill 2006: Advanced (PhD) Pilot Training Program for Scientists & Technologists
DRST Initiatives Since Establishment 2004- current: Continued 2006: Development of the Botswana National Innovation Capabilities Database (NICD) for S&T 2007: Study for Rationalization of Institutions 2007: Development of the Business Plan and Implementation Strategy the Botswana Innovation Hub (S&T Park) 2008: Development of HRD Strategy for S&T 2008: Development of a Communication Strategy 2008: Review of the 1998 S&T Policy
Min of Finance Min of CST and Dev Plan Recommended Flow of National Funds into Botswana’s National System of Innovation (1 % of GDP) CSIR 2005 Min of Finance and Dev Plan Min of CST RSTI Funding Board Centres of Excellence Energy for future Infectious diseases IKS Human Sci &Policy Mining &Processing Mission Focused Res Ecosystems Manufacturing Engineering Infrastructure Geomatics Biosciences Line Ministries Res Agriculture Water & Minerals Environment Health ICT Energy
Some of the Research Institutions in Botswana National Food Technology Research Botswana Technology Centre Rural Industries Promotion Company The University of Botswana (Okavango ecosystems) Department of Agric Research Department of Geological Surveys Department of Water Affairs Ministry of Environ and Wildlife (Various Departments) Botswana-Harvard AIDS Institute Central Statistics Office NGOs Others (Roads, Education, Local Gov etc)
Focus on vision 2016 & National Goals PLANS FOR 2009-2016 NDP10 Focus on vision 2016 & National Goals Retooling of Research Technology Institutions (infrastructure, equipment, program focus, HRD) Implementation of BNRSTP and Innovation Strategy (Feasibility Studies, Documentaries, Innovation Database, M&E of Research.
DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS-NDP10 continued Development of BIH to incubate high technology businesses and diversify the economy Development of Funding Mechanism for RSTI Policy Reviews for Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Intellectual Property Rights Implementation of HRD Strategy
GUIDE FOR S&T DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Aligned to Vision 2016 Contribute to National Goals ○Econ diversification ○ Industrial Dev ○ Poverty alleviation ○ Employment creation ○ Environ sustainability Provide benefits to Society
Interactions Leading to Improved Standard of Living Infrastructure Dev Wealth & Health Improved Std of Living S&T new knowledge HRD Good Gov
Way forward for R&D Players Plan with national goals in mind Take global competition and STI developments into consideration Aim at projects with social benefits Develop program approach to projects Improve Project Implementation Show accountability for funds Operate with efficiency
Thank you Pula!