Introduction to UIS data collection tools and guidelines South East Asian Regional Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Statistics Hanoi, Viet Nam 5-8 December 2011 Zahia Salmi
UIS S&T Questionnaire – Contents Respondents information Section 1. General Information (organisation, methodology, scope) Section 2. Human Resources (HC and FTE) Section 3. Expenditure Section 4. Availability of additional data
UIS S&T Questionnaire
S&T Questionnaire: Instructions
S&T Questionnaire: Respondent information Making contact !
S&T Questionnaire: Section 1. General information What do you do...
S&T Questionnaire: Section 1. General information continue…
S&T Questionnaire: Section 1. General information continue… How you do it...
S&T Questionnaire: Section 1. General information continue…
S&T Questionnaire: Section 1. General information continue…
S&T Questionnaire: Section 1. General information continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D All the definitions are available in the Instruction Manual
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D continue… Wrong data entry
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 2. Human Resources in R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 3. Expenditure on R&D
S&T Questionnaire – Section 3. Expenditure on R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 3. Expenditure on R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 3. Expenditure on R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 3. Expenditure on R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 3. Expenditure on R&D continue…
S&T Questionnaire – Section 4. Availability of additional data on R&D
S&T Questionnaire – General notes
S&T Questionnaire: available in UIS Website:
S&T Questionnaire: electronic form 1. Select language 2. Select questionnaire
S&T Questionnaire: electronic form 3. Consult Data Entry Manual 4. Enter valid adress, country and select «Download PDF»
S&T Questionnaire: Instruction Manual
UIS Surveys: Data Entry Manual
Data processing: Data Report The purpose of the data report is to Provide early feedback to countries Request clarification regarding major changes in the data Request corrections or explanations for any errors, inconsistencies found in the data Request data or estimates for missing cells Data reports are sent to respondents Countries should respond in a timely manner to the questions in the data report (2 weeks)
Thank you!