UNESCOs contribution to the implementation of the AU/CPA for science and technology Shamila Nair-Bedouelle Head of Unit, AU/CPA Implementation Division for Science Policies and Sustainable Development, Natural sciences Sector,
Addis Declaration on S&T and Scientific Research for Development called upon UNESCO to assist Member States and the AU to implement the Summit decision on S&T UNESCO adopted 3 flagship projects, GA 2007: - Capacity building in STI - Enhancing ST education - The African Virtual Campus
UN Regional Development Efforts UN Secretary-Generals reform agenda -Coherence of activities of UN agencies -Regional consultation meetings (5 regions) -5th Regional Consultation, May 2003 established « UN Science and Technology Cluster » UNESCO as Convener and UNECA as Vice Convener
UN S&T Cluster Established: 2003 Members: 13 UN Agencies Activities Work closely with AU/NEPADs Plan of Action in Science Assist in preparation of First AMCOST 2003, Second and Third Contribution and support to the CPA Align Agency activities in support of the CPA
African Science Technology and Innovation Policy Initiative ASTIPI Objectives: Review / formulate national STI policies for those African countries lacking STI policies STI Policy Specialists trained ASTIPI post graduate course designed and implemented
STI Policy Reviews STI Policies formulated Current status of UNESCO STI policy review in Africa
UNESCO International Review of S&T Statistics and Indicators UIS + AU/NEPAD Objectives: review priority science policy information needs examine existing S&T statistical and indicator systems, build institutional capacities promote adaptation and adoption of internationally compatible policy relevant STI indicators and methodologies develop an African network for STI indicators.
Countries covered but absent Countries not yet covered Countries not targeted Countries covered Countries that have participated in S&T Statistics workshops
How many researchers are there? Researchers per million inhabitants, latest available year Source: UIS, September –100 per million 101–300 per million 301–1000 per million 1001–2000 per million Data not available 2001 per million and above
African STI Observatoy UNESCO-UIS-AUC/NEPAD Performance of institutions and R&D activities Map Africa wide STI capacity - Produce basic indicators - Human resources - Funding - Patents - Publications - Research institutions
Governance of Science: role of Parliament The need for closer co-operation among policy-makers, parliamentarians, scientists, journalists, industry (public and private) and civil society; The setting-up of parliamentary science committees in Africa A first Parliamentary Science Forum took place in Brazzaville on March 2008.
Women in Science International Report on S.T. and Gender 2007 Statistics on Science, Technology and Gender (STG) with an Annex on statistical overview. Collaboration with European Commission (Research Directorate-General) and a group of worldwide experts. UNESCO will cooperate with AUC in the development of the Pan-African Association of African Women in Science and Technology (AAWOST)
UNESCO s University-Industry-Science Partnership UNISPAR (1993) Capacity building in governance of S&T parks World Technopolis Association (WTA) International Association of Science Parks (IASP) S&T Parks economic and technological development complexes promote STI and commercialization of research
UNESCOs activities in promoting science and technology through the African Virtual Campus e learning M. Miloudi UNESCO, Natural sciences Sector, Division for Science Policies and Sustainable Development
The African Virtual Campus Objectives Contribute to building the capacities of the African States in ICT, science and technology Teachers trained in science, engineering and technology through e-learning Promoting technical and Vocational Education & Training Training of the human resources (middle / senior management) Teacher training in the secondary and primary levels Access to ICT infrastructure Adult learning, distance learning
The Mediterranean Avicenna Virtual Campus (EU - UNESCO) A self-sustaining model which builds capacity in ICT infrastructure and e learning in 14 partner countries. An appropriate solution for the development of education at different levels in line with the targets to 2015 of the UNESCO EFA programme
Avicenna - Main achievements 981 teachers/ tutors trained 1500 blind students used the adapted online courses in 2007 (e-learning for blind students) Avicenna Virtual Library shared by the partners; 206 online modules of 20 hours each
Examples of Avicenna online courses produced
Production process and Assurance Quality Control System (AQUAS) -Modules proposals -Agreement of production request -Quality-label request -Modules selection -Agreement of production -Technical & Pedagogical module Validation Approval production Modules with Quality -Label -Avicenna Modules -Technical & Pedagogical Assistance -Modules Proposal -Modules Production Quality-label request Scientific Council Control Committee (UNESCO) AVICENNA VIRTUAL LIBRARY Local Universities MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/PSD 2007
Avicenna Knowledge Centre (AKC) or E-Learning Centre INTERNE T Class Room Self Service Production Room Administration & Information E-Learning Centre Staff Director Educational Expert Technical Expert Technician Secretary Activities Provide training sessions to the teachers on the engineering production of the online courses. Provide training sessions for tutors and technical support and information for students; Manage and Maintain the Virtual Library; Develop relationships between the e-Learning centres of the regional network and also the centre is in charge for the development of the national virtual campus network. Develop scientific groups through the network Organise national seminars and dissemination activities Provide support for the handicapped students (Blind and Deaf students) Meeting Room & Library Technical Room
AFRICAN VIIRTUAL CAMPUS - 54 Avicenna centres (5 regions) - Network will be used by all the African universities - Project approved by the -UNESCO Executive Board and -GENERAL CONFERENCE (193 member states) Challenges
Project initiation development Development in 5 African regions: Northern, Western, Eastern, Central, and Southern 1st centre initiated in Benin, July 2008 AVC training, West Africa Nov 2008 Funded by Spain and the EU ARAPKE Extrabudgetary and regular project funding
Expected results Network of fully operational e-Learning Avicenna Centres one centre per African country; Specific online training in Sciences Policies and Science Technology and Innovation; An online African Virtual Library in S&T comprising online modules and teaching resource material; An African platform for the development of the African Virtual Campus to all African countries Teacher training National Campuses; Training: African experts trained in e-learning concept education (5 per centre - permanent staff); Teachers trained on the engineering production of online multimedia courses; Tutors trained in e-learning education methods; Large-scale student training
Conclusion UNESCO: instrument of international cooperation International peace and development can thrive through collaboration and dialogue Maximize science as a cultural value AVCN: infrastructure, technology enhanced learning, and science and technology education extended to all countries in Africa