Internet2 Middleware and the NSF Middleware Initiative: Meeting Milestones Ken Klingenstein Director, Internet2 Middleware Initiative, Co-PI, NSF Middleware Initiative
May 8, 2002 Topics Internet2 Middleware Overview Internet2 Middleware Activities NSF Middleware Initiative Grid Center and Release 1 EDIT Work and Release 1 Testbeds and Outreach Year 2 Goals Integration
May 8, 2002 A Map of Middleware Land
May 8, 2002 Core Middleware Scope Identity and Identifiers – namespaces, identifier crosswalks, real world levels of assurance, etc. Authentication – campus technologies and policies, interrealm interoperability via PKI, Kerberos, etc. Directories – enterprise directory services architectures and tools, standard objectclasses, interrealm and registry services Authorization – permissions and access controls, delegation, privacy management, etc. Integration Activities – common management tools, use of virtual, federated and hierarchical organizations
May 8, 2002 Making it happen Much as at the network layer, plumb a ubiquitous common, persistent and robust core middleware infrastructure for the R&E community Foster effective and consistent campus implementations Motivate institutional funding and deployment strategies Solve the real world policy issues Integrate key applications to leverage the infrastructure Nurture open-source solutions Address scaling issues for the user and enterprise In support of inter-institutional and interrealm collaborations, provide tools and services (e.g. registries, bridge PKI components, root directories) as required
May 8, 2002 Internet2 Middleware: Key Concepts Use federated administration as the lever; have the security domain broker most services (authentication, authorization, resource discovery, etc.) Provide security while not degrading privacy. Foster interrealm trust fabrics for both legal and collaborative needs Leverage campus expertise and build rough consensus Influence the marketplace; develop where necessary
May 8, 2002 Internet2 Middleware: Areas of Activity General Middleware: Roadmaps and Business Plans Directories: directory services architectures, objectclasses, tools and techniques, affiliated directories Shibboleth: interrealm exchange of attributes PKI Video on demand and digital rights management Federated videoconferencing Medical middleware: scenarios, objectclasses, privacy and security
May 8, 2002 PKI Activities HEPKI-TAG ( CP/CPS draft, S/MIME work HEPKI-PAG HEBCA, CP First Annual Research Conference ( A Higher Ed Sector CA and CRENs role
May 8, 2002 Access to Digital Materials Several ways to use digital materials – personal use – typically purchased by individuals on a subscription or per-use basis. professional use – typically acquired (for fee or legal agreement) by an organization or university on a bulk basis, with access redistributed freely to members of the organization. public use – as a citizen, entitled to an information commons, and other basic information rights, such as Fair Use and Freedom of Information
May 8, 2002 Digital rights technologies The different uses of on-line materials have different requirements; they will likely require different technologies. Requirements vary about the needs and controls for privacy, the economic recovery model, the needs and controls for security, etc. Who is developing the digital rights technologies for professional and public use?
May 8, 2002 Vidmid Supported by NSF, Internet2, and ViDe Vidmid – the combined work Vidmid-vc – led by Egon Verhoren (SURFnet), with conspicuous players Tyler Johnson (UNC), Samir Chatterjee (Claremont), Doug Sicker (Colorado) and Art Vandenburg (Georgia State) Vidmid-VoD – led by Mairead Martin (UT-Knoxville) with conspicuous players Grace Trauner (Rutgers) and Jim DeRoest (Washington) Parked work: Metadata, security cameras, hybrid forms Key vendor participation
May 8, 2002 NSF Middleware Initiative GRID Consortium and Release 1 EDIT Consortium and Release 1 Testbeds and Outreach Year 2 Goals Integration
May 8, 2002 EDIT Consortium Enterprise and Desktop Integration Technologies Consortium (EDIT) Internet2 – primary on grant and research EDUCAUSE – primary on outreach Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) – testbed
May 8, 2002 NMI-EDIT Plan Foster the development of campus enterprise middleware to leverage both the academic and administrative missions. Coordinate a common substrate across higher ed middleware implementations that would permit inter- institutional efforts such as Grids, digital libraries, and collaboratories to scale and leverage In some instances, build collaboration tools for particularly important inter-institutional and government interactions, such as web services, PKI and video. Insure that distinctive higher ed requirements, from privacy and academic freedom to multi-realm portals, are served in the marketplace.
May 8, 2002 Sample NMI-EDIT Process (Directories ) MACE-DIR prioritizes needed materials Subgroups established: revision of basic documents (LDAP Recipe) new best practices in groups and metadirectories standards development for eduPerson 1.5 and eduOrg 1.0 Subgroups work in enhanced IETF approach, with scenarios, requirements, architectures and recommended standards stages. WG Deliverables announced; input and conference call feedback processes start for RPR status; work groups reconvene as needed Seems to take around 4-6 months, depending on product 6-8 people seem to drive, schools participate
May 8, 2002 NMI-EDIT Development Stages Works in Progress Under development by working group; to shape directions Labeled as Draft Experimental Reviewed within the working group; for review within the EDIT Community Labeled as EXP Released for Public Review For broad review, including international and vendor communities Labeled as RPR Final Labeled as FIN
May 8, 2002 NMI-EDIT Participants Higher Ed – leadership institutions, with 50 more campuses members of working groups; readership around 2000 institutions. Corporate - (IBM, Microsoft, SUN, Intel, Liberty Alliance, DST, MitreTek, Radvision, Polycom, EBSCO, Elsevier, OCLC, Metamerge, Baltimore, etc.) Government – NSF, NIST, NIH, Federal CIO Council, etc International – Terena, JISC, REDIRIS, AARnet, etc.
May 8, 2002 A Few Year One Milestones Sept 1, 2001 – Grant awarded Oct 2001– eduPerson 1.0 finalized; outreach begins with multiple full day workshops Jan 2002 – HEBCA tested; first CAMP held Feb 2002 – PKI Lite CP/CPS; e-Gov and Management and Leadership Best Practice Awards April 2002 – Shibboleth alpha ships; testbeds selected; NIST/NIH PKI workshop May 2002 – NMI release, with eduPerson 1.5, pubcookie, KX.509, groups and metadirectories, video white papers June 2002 – affiliated directories to begin; basic CAMP; testbed kickoff July 2002 – Shibboleth beta to ship; advanced CAMP
May 8, 2002 Specific Deliverables Release 1 Software KX.509 and KCA Certificate Profile Maker Pubcookie Object Classes eduPerson 1.0 eduPerson 1.5 eduOrg 1.0 commObject 1.0 Service Certificate Profile Registry
May 8, 2002 Specific Deliverables Release 1 Conventions and Practices Practices in Directory Groups 1.0 LDAP Recipe 2.0 Metadirectory Practices for the Enterprise Directory in Higher Education 1.0 White Papers Shibboleth Architecture v4 Policies Campus Certificate Policy for use at the Higher Education Bridge Certificate Authority (HEBCA) Lightweight Campus Certificate Policy and Practice Statement (PKI-Lite) Sample Campus Account Management Policy
May 8, 2002 Specific Deliverables Release 1 Works in Progress: White Papers Role of Directories in Video-on-Demand Resource Discovery for Videoconferencing commObject: Directory Services Architecture for Video and Voice Conferencing over IP
May 8, 2002 NMI Participation CONTRIBUTORS DEVELOPERS - Develop NMI-related or derived components - Support NMI components SUPPORTERS - Repackage NMI components and distribute under own label USERS - Campuses - GriPhyN, NEES, etc Targeted User Communities Other Interested Implementers - Campuses - Industry - Government NMI Testbed Participants - Determined by Call For Participation NMI Outreach: Participation Opportunities
May 8, 2002 Networking and Education Held four workshops Reached 117 U.S. schools Participants include CIOs, management, and technical IT staff Additional participants from international, research, and vendor communities Not just the usual suspects –Denison University –Clark Atlanta University –Ogala Lakota College
May 8, 2002 Networking and Education: Next Steps Campus Architectural and Middleware Planning –June and July –CIOs and technical staff –Introductory/advanced workshops held twice per year Tutorials –Annual and regional EDUCAUSE/Internet2 meetings –Others upon request and as schedules permit lists –EDUCAUSE and Internet2 lists
May 8, 2002 NMI Integration Testbed: Overview Focus on the integration of released middleware components with real life use and conditions Elements: Sites, Manager, Workshop Integration is the point - could think of it as… Where EDIT meets GRIDS Where enterprise needs meet research needs Where NMI components meet reality
May 8, 2002 NMI Outreach: Participation Opportunities (NMI site) (EDIT site) (GRIDs Center site)
May 8, 2002 Year Two Work Areas Authorization, Authorization, Authorization Shibboleth and PKI Integration with the Grid HEBCA Affiliated directories Federated digital rights management Video Registry Services Research medical middleware
May 8, 2002 Some Year 2 Deliverables Options and Architectures for the N-Tier Problem -white paper August 2002 Federated DRM workshop – August 2002 Affiliated directories – white paper Aug 2002; pilots end of 2002 Registry services – as needed; first one in Sept 2002 Shibboleth 1.0 – code released in NMI 1.5 eduOrg final, end nd PKI Research Conference – April 2003
May 8, 2002 Issue: International Our technologies are international but our standards, best practices, etc are largely US centric, by authority and in order to facilitate convergence. Grids and other networked science activities are international International trust structures are undefined, in particular the role of governments as trust intermediaries
May 8, 2002 Issue: Integration We understand, somewhat, the technical issues involved in integration. how can we get technical consensus how can we meet in the future versus retrofit the existing who will plug the gaps We do not understand the policy issues: who will fund and support the integration how will institutional policies affect the management decisions for networked resources how do governments participate
May 8, 2002 Integration Issues What needs integration? Core middleware components Plumbing the campus core for Grids New NMI components into the existing base What are the desired outcomes of integration To the user –Relatively single-sign on/limited credentials –Enterprise directory data supplied to Grids and other apps Behind the scenes –Integrated accounting, security, management
May 8, 2002 Integration Issues What are the barriers to integration Embedded bases Different priorities Gaps
May 8, 2002 Coexistence, then integration Coexistence Converting campus Kerberos tickets to temporary X.509 certs Classification of NMI deliverables Testbeds for multiple agendas Identifier cross-walks Integration Web services Metadirectories Identifier reduction Accounting and resource control
May 8, 2002 The pieces fit together… Campus infrastructure Name space and identifiers Directories Enterprise authentication and authorization Inter-realm infrastructure edu object classes Exchange of attributes Inter-realm Upperware Grids Digital libraries Video