TF-STREAM and Follow-up activities in Europe and Beyond by Egon Verharen Used to be TF-STREAM chair.


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Presentation transcript:

TF-STREAM and Follow-up activities in Europe and Beyond by Egon Verharen Used to be TF-STREAM chair

june 5, 2002(c)2002 Egon TNC TF-STREAM BoF at TNNC99 (Lund), 1st meeting: dec 10, 1999, Official start: jan 11, 2000 Charter: 1 year, extended with 6 months (till july 2001) –Although not officially: community still cooperating, sharing Objectives –to provide a forum for exchanging experiences and knowledge –to determine the suitability of audio/video streaming and conferencing for the research community in Europe –to coordinate diverse real time multimedia initiatives –to identify and promote sources of audio/video content –to assist and validate high-bandwidth pilot projects.

june 5, 2002(c)2002 Egon TNC A: Info site with tools, presentations and projects in participating networks B: Glossary of terms C: European Video Conferences D: netw.infrastruct for distributing live streaming events across Europe E: Policy Document for publishing AV material in the public domain -copyright issues F: Web repository and index of publicly available AV material G: Recommendation on best practice for generation of metadata in audio/video content creation H: Best practice guidelines for streaming experiments I: Clearing house of (multicast) monitoring tools J: Diffserv experiment K: security L: workshops: (e.g. HQ streaming & VC, 26 june 2001, Edinburgh) M: feasibility study of a European VC Service TF-STREAM deliverables

june 5, 2002(c)2002 Egon TNC VoIP Poll 2 nd half 2001: substantial interest Workshop March 6, 2002 BoF last Sunday Main topics –Share experience –Cookbook (Roland Staring, SURFnet) –International dialling scheme (Steve Williams, UKERNA)

june 5, 2002(c)2002 Egon TNC Academic netcasting working group Nordunet2002, april; BoF on Sunday TF-STREAM mailinglist discussion (Dan Monster, UniC) Plan to form TF soon Goals –Announcement portal –Produce and help produce high quality content –Live streaming channel: Academic Stream Channel –VoD announcement portal and network

june 5, 2002(c)2002 Egon TNC Beyond - –Worlds largest H.323 VC network –Dialling scheme, Directories, Mgt tools Internet2 –Commons Started by I2, but: international service based on ViDeNet (H.323), VRVS (scheduling and gateways), mbone tools (multicast) –Vidmid Middleware for VC, integration in federated campus infrastruct –AuthN, AuthZ, directory services, resource discovery –VoIP wg

june 5, 2002(c)2002 Egon TNC Conclusion TF-STREAM successful –Although not all expected deliverables –Success in: Participants learned from efforts and deliverables Strong community still together Worldwide recognition Follow up actions: VoIP, Academic netcasting

june 5, 2002(c)2002 Egon TNC Background Contact –TF-STREAM: –Valentino Cavalli –VoIP website: Mailinglist: –Academic netcasting working group mailinglist: –Global dialling scheme: –ViDeNet: –VRVS: –Internet2 Commons: –Vidmid: