TERENA Networking Conference 2003 with CARNet Users Conference 2003 Announcement by Vesna Vrga, CARNet
TNC 2003 Joint conference with CARNet Users Conference – CUC 2003 Hosted by CARNet Venue: Hotel Opera, Zagreb, Croatia From 19 to 22 May 2003
Square of Croatian Vice Roy Josip Jelacic
Croatian National Theatre
Croatian State Archives
Roof of St.Mark`s Church
Croatian Artist`s Centre
Statue of St.Georhe Fighting the Dragon
The Art Pavilion
Zagreb Surroundings - Castle Veliki Tabor
East side of King Tomislav Square and Cathedral
FLIGHT INFORMATION Zagreb International Airport Direct flights from most European capitals Easy to reach by car or train from Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary....
VENUE Hotel Opera, former Hotel Intercontinental Located in the heart of the city Several congress halls, largest max. 800 participants
Hotel Opera
Hotel Opera – Congress Hall
TERENA Networking Conference 2003 with CARNet Users Conference May 2003 Welcome to Zagreb!