Primer on Open Access in Germany Theresa Velden Max Planck Society 19 Feb 2004, U Southampton
Open Access in Germany 5 Nov 2002: Hochschulrektoren Konferenz (Conference of German Universities) alternative, disaggregated publishing system, university publication servers, increase competition - recommend: 1FTE for 3 years plus 50 T Euro for hardware/software for instituitional each U.
Open Access in Germany Initiatives - PhysNet (1995, EPS), MathNet/MPRESS (1996, IMU) - discipline specific, global services - GAP - German Academic Publishers (DFG funded) - : 1 st phase : start of phase 2 - German University Publishing Services - DINI - German Initiative for Network Information : start certification of publication servers (common standards)
Open Access in Germany Journals - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (European Learned Soc.) - German Medical Science (National Learned Soc.) - Forum: Qualitative Social Research (1999, DFG) - Journal for Demographic Research (1998, MPG) - Living Reviews in Relativity, LR in Solar Physics (1997, 2003, MPG)
Open Access in Germany 22 Oct 2003: Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge of Science and Humanities - the seven major German research organizations plus CNRS, INSERM: mission only half cpomplete when research results not openly available - Vision: interactive, transparent and sustainable representation of knowledge in Internet - to date: 30 institutions - President MPG: pursue two roads - publish in open access journals and self-archive in institutional repository
Open Access in Germany Practical concerns: - institutional repositories: how change practice of copyright/exclusive rights practice ? - oa journals: research funding agencies grappling with budgetl implications of publication costs (page charges) as research costs Planned for 2004: Follow-up Conference with all signatories on Implementation