AMF design in brief Thomas Krichel Simeon M. Warner
Wish list Data and metadata for action. Librarians have only documented the world; what matters is to change it. Tool for academic self-documentation –simple to compose –drop-in functionality with OAI intuition that comes from natural language
View of the world Author self-archiving will work if it is part of the advertisement of academics Creator has to be the descriptive focus, not the creation –we see a lot of paper by this person, she must be smart vs –I am smart because I have written all those papers
Resources and non-resources Persons Institutions Collections Resources –text
Natural language Nouns –person, organization, collection, text Adjective like –name, title, status, etc Verbs like –isauthorof, hassponsor, ispartof etc
Example 1 Simeon M. Warner AMF Design in brief ome/krichel/southampton_ _1.ppt
id and ref For propeller head use. Records (instances of nouns) that are authoritative can have an id. Non-authoritative records can refer to authoritative ones, using a ref.
Example 2
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