Preserv Preservation Eprint Services Scenario: Digital lifecycle begins with author creation and deposit of paper or data content into the institutional repository (IR). Growing number of IRs with expanding content. Problem: Authors and IR editorial staff typically have content management skills, but preservation expertise is more thinly spread. Solution: Third-party preservation services. Adapt IR software to disseminate content to centres of preservation excellence. Minimally to separate the access and archiving functions of IRs. The British Library is the exemplar preservation service provider in Preserv. PRESERV is investigating these OAIS based models to recommend a hierarchical range of preservation services to suit different institutional requirements and cost models. Support for the models is being built into EPrints software for testing. LOCKSS and SRB? These can be viewed as special cases of the preservation service provider model, where the 'service provider' is a distributed network of managed content nodes. The first requirement is for a partnership network. This is not being investigated in PRESERV currently, but may be the basis of future work. Should IRs be responsible for preservation? For: Institutional commitment to content accepted into service. Against: Cost, open access papers published and preserved elsewhere. Bottom line: It's an institutional decision, and should be based on the broad IR policy. The primary objective of IR policy should be to grow content and provide access. Policy can elaborate preservation requirements to enhance the objective but should not detract from it. Latest: A format profiling service for IRs using PRONOM and ROAR The profile represents the range of formats of objects found in the IR. Assessing this profile is one of the major factors in determining preservation needs. But does IR policy determine the profile, or vice versa? PRESERV is finding out. As part of this process, format profiles will be produced for IRs in the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) by harvesting IR content using OAI-PMH and determining format using the PRONOM-DROID automated file format identification tool, produced by the UK National Archives. Southampton team Leslie Carr Jessie Hey Steve Hitchcock Tim Brody 1. A search is performed in ROAR for archives containing soton (Southampton domain) 2. Clicking the Formats button generates a format summary for all matched archives 4. Clicking the OAI record identifier shows the Dublin Core record (from which the files were located) 3 Clicking a bar shows a breakdown of all files identified as that format (e.g. PostScript 2.0) and associated OAI records Note: While some PostScript documents also have a PDF version, many do not: this could be the basis for an alerting service to prompt the migration of preservation- unfriendly formats Preservation services for institutional repositories OAIS Reference Model Service provider model (as above) 2. Institutional model, for the multi- repository institution 3. Repository model, minimal preservation support built into IR software Why preservation services? An OAIS approach: three models