RAE Publications: Reflections on the University of Edinburgh Experience John MacColl Edinburgh University Library
RAE2001 RAE2008 Progress?
DSpace Edinburgh Research Archive (ERA) Romantic fantasies …. Sufficient to attract some ££
ERA can do it! No bitstreams RAE ERA RAE ERA
MIS Data Warehouse MyEd RAE channel Privileged views Data Warehouse + RAE-PR
Migrations and mergers Hard work of liaison Need to gain trust Mock RAEs Compromise where necessary Metadata in our favour
RAE-PR faces in 4 directions –ERA –School databases –Bristol –ZETOC
Research assessment here to stay A quality pump but leads to bad behaviour Winning is everything Mourinho, Ferguson, Wenger …
Institutional repository = Institutional repository functions (growing) –open access full-text research materials –open access learning objects –open access records of the research output of the institution –closed-access full-text archival documents –closed-access full-text high-impact research materials (cream of research)
Cream of research = IRRA solutions Publishers not ready Objectless metadata Is common sense on the horizon? Routine assessment and funding adjustments?
Cream of research More self-archiving Virtuous circle Always look on the bright side!
Thank you!