DAEDALUS - Freeing Research at the University of Glasgow William J Nixon Service Development Susan Ashworth Advocacy
DAEDALUS 1 st August 2002 – 31 st July 2005 Evolved from the implementation of our local eprints service Two strands –Advocacy –Service Development Partner with the CURL SHERPA Project
Range of Collections Published papers / ePrints Pre-prints, grey literature, technical reports, working papers Doctoral theses Research Finding Aids Administrative Documents Search service
Advocacy Advocacy Remit Our Strategies Issues identified by academics The Major issues are NOT technical
Advocacy Remit to create an Open Access culture to gather content for the range of Open Archives services to provide advice on policy implications, guidelines and processes of the services to formulate an exit strategy that ensures a full and fully used service
Strategies at Glasgow Project Board including an academic from each of three territorial subject groups Contacting those academics who are already self-publishing Taking over departmental publications databases (RAE)
Strategies cont…. Raising debate within departments - programme of attending departmental meetings Regional meetings, possible subject based, in collaboration with other FAIR projects Attempting to get strategic decisions at a high level within the University e.g. on submission of theses
Service Development Eprints Demonstrator –GNU Eprints v.2.0 –Full text papers and bib information –OpenURL links from the Catalogue Initial install of E-theses software Work ongoing with DSpace install
Eprints screenshot
Eprints record screenshot
Eprints and catalogue
DAEDALUS – Freeing Research at the University of Glasgow DAEDALUS