e-Print Repositories for Research Visibility: T ime to Deposit Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey 30/10/03
Road map NERC Output Measures Scholarly communication alternatives e-Print Archives e-Prints Soton How to make your research more accessible / visible now
NERC Output Measures Annual exercise ( data collected quarterly by NOL with huge help from Pam Talbot) –League tables (submitted to the Office of Science and Technology) –Published with no opportunity to retrospectively update Science Management Audit – 2005 Definitive record –Continual requests for personal, divisional and subject listings
Research Accessibility Scholarly communication alternatives e-Print Archives e-Prints Soton How to make your research more accessible / visible now
PUBPUB SUBSUB LIBLIB A R Primary channel - Scholarly Communication – present model Bibliometrics – citation analysis, impact factors Evaluation – SMA /RAE, Tenure, Promotion Research funding proposals
1774 %
Crisis in Scholarly Communication alternate models Open Access Journals Open Archives Initiatives Open = freely accessible - open access journals Open = interoperable - Open Archives Initiative BioMed Central - JISC funding payment of $500 per article 7/03- Publication charge paid = free online access to all Publication charge not paid = subscription only access
Changing Publishing Paradigm A uthors R eaders OAI data providersOAI service providers PUBPUB SUBSUB LIBLIB A uthors R eaders Deposit Archive/ access Hybrid Interoperability Protocols roles Information flow through Open Archives model Citation analysis
TARDis HEFCE – JISC Programme - Focus on Access to Institutional Resources (FAIR) £196,000 Funding to set up an institutional repository (e-Print archive) Aug 2002 – Jan 2005 (30 months) Team –Director : Sheila Corrall –Manager: Pauline Simpson –Advocacy : Jessie Hey –Software : Chris Gutteridge / Tim Brody –Admin : Natasha Lucas
Aims To set up a sustainable Southampton e- Print archive e-Prints Soton To gain content – full text documents Activity: –Targeting Academic Resources for Deposit and Disclosure
What are e-Prints? e-Prints are: electronic copies of any research output –journal articles, book chapters, conference papers etc even multimedia –they may include unpublished manuscripts and papers prepared for publication (as copyright allows) Also broader and narrower definitions: Academic output - MIT Peer-reviewed – Prof. Stevan Harnad (open access advocate) An e-Print archive is an internet based repository of such digital scholarly publications which can provide immediate and free worldwide access benefiting both author and reader
e-Print archives Subject based e-Print archives (centred on author deposit) –Pioneering example is ArXiv set up by Paul Ginsparg at Los Alamos in 1991ArXiv –Successful in limited subject areas –Free EPrints Software developed at Southampton to encourage more self archiving (JISC funding) Open Archives Initiative software standards developed to enable cross searching (OAI-PMH) Alternate models proposed based on institutional research output
arXiv usage daily
A national vision: e-Prints + e-Learning + data Diagram from eBank UK project
A national vision: ePrints UK
TARDis e-Prints Soton
Why contribute your work? To make your research more visible and accessible in electronic form To promote your work and that of other academics within your community To use it as a secure store for your research publications - which can help you to respond to the many requests for full text and publication data To contribute to national and global initiatives which will ensure an international audience for your latest research (other universities are developing their own archives which, together, will be searchable by global search tools)
Raising the profile…. Articles freely available online are more highly cited. For greater impact and faster scientific progress, authors and publishers should aim to make research easy to access Nature, Volume 411, Number 6837, p. 521, 2001 Steve Lawrence Online or Invisible? ne-nature01/ ne-nature01/
Southampton research document types
Simplifying deposit in EPrints software
Choose DIY or give the file and sufficient information for us to continue for you
Deposit Process (post refereed – pre published versions) Register yourself once Have the electronic copy ready and open (print out of first page is also useful) Check copyright (journal transfer agreements surveyed by Project RoMEO) Expect to add abstract, keywords Add any useful information on content (eg enhanced diagrams) or to help cite it Check before submitting Can leave in workspace to finish later
Solving copyright problems Check a journals copyright transfer agreement here
Journal Copyright agreements Research by Project Romeo
Ensuring your copyright for self-archiving "I hereby transfer to all rights to sell or lease the text (on-paper and on-line) of my paper. I retain the right to distribute it for free for scholarly/scientific purposes, in particular, the right to self-archive it publicly online on the World Wide Web. The author/s hereby assert their moral rights in accordance with the UK Copyright Designs and Patents Act (1988)."
Completed deposit – can be updated if published
Cross searching academic resources - finding the pearls 01 Oct - 203
Where and Who Deposit your work from now In e-Prints Soton Help from: Jessie Hey – deposit assistance, database development for groups Natasha Lucas – admin and assistance Pauline Simpson – Project Manager GDD e-Print representative?