Presentation Title (Bold, 26 Point)


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation Title (Bold, 26 Point) Speaker Name (Bold, 22 Point) Organisation Logo (Place Here)

Typography Guidelines Section Headers Are Arial Bold Italic, 18-Point Typography Guidelines Use Arial Bold or Gill Sans Alternate font for consistency Titles are 26-point Subtitles are 22-point Section headers are 18-point italic Body text is 20-point First-level bullets are 20-point Second-level bullets are 18-point Callout text size can vary First-level bullets are set to be round Second-level bullets are set to be denoted by an en-dash (–) Organisation Logo If desired, organisation logos or government seals are set in the lower left corner, flush left. Organisation logos should be sized to look equal in size/weight to the SIAA logo at top left. Place the logo being used on the Slide Master when you want it to appear on all slides. Date and timestamps with an identification label on the Slide Master are very helpful. This is also where proprietary notes can go.

Text and Style Guidelines 4.23 cm Wide 120 Pixels Wide Body text and bullets should be flush left and vertically centered on the page Adjust paragraph/line spacing, if necessary, to make your slide look balanced and well designed 1.7 Inches Wide 3.1 Inches High 223 Pixels High 8.22 cm Wide An image can go in this vertical banner. Suggested dimensions are stated above. Callout text can also be set on a left margin. Add 1 point red rule at width as shown.

Text and Style Guidelines (Cont’d) Callout text can be placed in this vertical bar area. Always insert a space before an ellipse … Correct punctuation errors before finalizing Maintain consistency in number treatments, abbreviations, acronyms, etc. Make sure justification of titles/text blocks is consistent throughout presentation

Incorporating Graphics Into Your Presentation Inserting photos or graphics into slides can add to the overall impact of your message All images should be professional and pertinent. Use cartoons, stick-figure drawings, or clip art sparingly, if at all When importing images, set files in an RGB or indexed color palette at 120 ppi (pixels or dots per inch) and save them in either .gif or .jpg file format Note that 72 ppi is acceptable if you are planning to display the image only on screen and not print it

Sample Bar Chart You can copy and paste this slide, using the Slide Sorter View, then edit the data sheet. Sample Label Snapshot Of CSC Shows that CSC is a Fortune 500 company with rapid growth Demonstrates that CSC has been a profitable, successful company for almost 40 years and will continue to grow and diversify into the 21st century (to support the client after the contract has been signed) Emphasizes that CSC has made the move into the commercial marketplace from a revenue mix which was 70% government and 30% commercial only six years ago

Sample Pie Chart Label Label 12.5% 12.5 % Label Label 12.5 % 12.5 % Snapshot Of CSC Shows that CSC is a Fortune 500 company with rapid growth Demonstrates that CSC has been a profitable, successful company for almost 40 years and will continue to grow and diversify into the 21st century (to support the client after the contract has been signed) Emphasizes that CSC has made the move into the commercial marketplace from a revenue mix which was 70% government and 30% commercial only six years ago 12.5 % 12.5 % Label Label

Color Scheme Consistent use of color in your presentation maintains and promotes a unified conference image Main palette colors are built into the “slide color scheme” in PowerPoint for easy access Selections are based on Web-safe matches The recommended color palette is represented below with RGB values Tints of these colors can be used as necessary 000 051 102 102 051 102 204 153 000 102 051 153 255 204 000 051 255 102 000 255 204 102 000 102 255 204 255 3/22/2017 7:41:47 PM 008_5811_WHT1 8

Organisation Logo (Place Here) Use this Title Slide to begin and end all presentations. This slide is to remain up while waiting for the presentation to begin and at the end of the presentation during the question and answer segment. Please delete this gray text box before presenting slide. Organisation Logo (Place Here) 3/22/2017 7:41:47 PM 008_5811_WHT1 9