Lets Make It Happen! Differentiated Instruction for the Overwhelmed Reading Teacher Presented by Doretha Allen, Reading Demonstration Teacher Charles Rice Learning Center, Dallas ISD 1
The Elementary Years There is a constant danger of losing students along the way because students needs are not being met and they are mentally checking out earlier and earlier. There is a constant danger of losing students along the way because students needs are not being met and they are mentally checking out earlier and earlier. 2
Differentiated Instruction… Whats That? Created by Doretha Allen4
What is Differentiated Instruction? Differentiated instruction is a process to approach teaching and learning for students of differing abilities in the same class. 5
Created by Doretha Allen What is Differentiated Instruction? The intent of differentiating instruction is to maximize each students growth and individual success by meeting each student where he or she is, and assisting in the learning process. 6
Created by Doretha Allen What Differentiated Instruction Is Not… Chaotic Chaotic Losing control of student behavior Losing control of student behavior 7
Created by Doretha Allen What Differentiated Instruction Is Not… Another way to provide homogenous grouping Another way to provide homogenous grouping Bluebirds, redbirds, eagles reading groups never increased student learning. Bluebirds, redbirds, eagles reading groups never increased student learning. Focuses on weakness instead of strengths Focuses on weakness instead of strengths 8
What Differentiated Instruction Is Not… Individualized Instruction Individualized Instruction Every single student working on a different assignment Every single student working on a different assignment Exhaustive for teachers! Exhaustive for teachers! Created by Doretha Allen9
What Differentiated Instruction Is… Shaking up what goes on in the classroom so that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn. Shaking up what goes on in the classroom so that students have multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and expressing what they learn. 10
Created by Doretha Allen What Differentiated Instruction Is… Providing different avenues to acquiring content, to processing or making sense of ideas, and to developing products so that each student can learn effectively. Providing different avenues to acquiring content, to processing or making sense of ideas, and to developing products so that each student can learn effectively. 11
What Differentiated Instruction Is… Proactive Proactive Teacher plans more than one way for students to get it and show that students know it Teacher plans more than one way for students to get it and show that students know it Teacher prepares enough materials in advance. Teacher prepares enough materials in advance. Created by Doretha Allen12
What Differentiated Instruction Is… More qualitative than quantitative More qualitative than quantitative Teacher matches the nature of the assignment to the needs of the students Teacher matches the nature of the assignment to the needs of the students Created by Doretha Allen13
What Differentiated Instruction Is… Providing Multiple Approaches to content, process, and product. Providing Multiple Approaches to content, process, and product. Content – Curriculum Content – Curriculum Process – How students learn it Process – How students learn it Product – What students show/demonstrate as a result of their learning Product – What students show/demonstrate as a result of their learning Created by Doretha Allen14
Created by Doretha Allen What Differentiated Instruction Is… Rooted in Assessment Rooted in Assessment Teacher views conversations with individual students, classroom discussions, student work, observation, and formal assessment as a way to gather just a little more insight about what works for each learner. Teacher views conversations with individual students, classroom discussions, student work, observation, and formal assessment as a way to gather just a little more insight about what works for each learner. 15
What Differentiated Instruction Is… Student Centered Student Centered Engaging Engaging Relevant Relevant Interesting Interesting Age-appropriate Age-appropriate Students take on increasing amounts of responsibility for their growth Students take on increasing amounts of responsibility for their growth Created by Doretha Allen16
What Differentiated Instruction Is… A blend of whole-class, group, and individual instruction A blend of whole-class, group, and individual instruction Whole groups establish common understandings Whole groups establish common understandings Small groups to clarify understanding and extend learning Small groups to clarify understanding and extend learning Reconvene to a large group to share and close Reconvene to a large group to share and close Created by Doretha Allen17
What Differentiated Instruction Is… Organic Organic Teacher and students are all learning Teacher and students are all learning Teacher has content knowledge but continuously learns about how the students learn Teacher has content knowledge but continuously learns about how the students learn Realizes that they will learn something new everyday Realizes that they will learn something new everyday Created by Doretha Allen18
Created by Doretha Allen The Hallmarks of a Differentiated Classroom Are… Teacher is clear is about learning goals Teacher is clear is about learning goals Teacher specifies what students should know, understand, and be able to do. Teacher specifies what students should know, understand, and be able to do. Teaches in varying degrees of complexity with support systems. Teaches in varying degrees of complexity with support systems. Teacher is able to make up learning deficits Teacher is able to make up learning deficits 19
Created by Doretha Allen The Hallmarks of a Differentiated Classroom Are… Teacher groups students flexible Teacher groups students flexible Student groups are fluid Student groups are fluid Student groups vary by skill/subject Student groups vary by skill/subject 20
Created by Doretha Allen The Hallmarks of a Differentiated Classroom Are… Teachers uses time, space, and materials flexibly. Teachers uses time, space, and materials flexibly. Always looking for ways to arrange classroom Always looking for ways to arrange classroom Matching materials to learner needs Matching materials to learner needs Enable students to use time efficiently and effectively Enable students to use time efficiently and effectively 21
Created by Doretha Allen The Hallmarks of a Differentiated Classroom Are… Teacher involves her students in understanding the nature of the classroom and in making it work for everyone. Teacher involves her students in understanding the nature of the classroom and in making it work for everyone. Shared responsibility for everyone to grow academically. Shared responsibility for everyone to grow academically. Students contribute significantly both to classroom efficiency and to a sense of community. Students contribute significantly both to classroom efficiency and to a sense of community. 22
Created by Doretha Allen The Hallmarks of a Differentiated Classroom Are… Teacher emphasizes individual growth as central to the success of the classroom. Teacher emphasizes individual growth as central to the success of the classroom. Pushes students to achieve their personal best Pushes students to achieve their personal best Students are trained to chart their progress toward academic benchmarks Students are trained to chart their progress toward academic benchmarks 23
Differentiated Instruction Is…Not following a recipe for differentiation but combining content, how your students learn, their strengths and weaknesses, an array of ways to get it and your own professional instincts to reach the learners and make it happen! Created by Doretha Allen24
Differentiated Instruction Is… A WAY OF LIFE!!!!! Created by Doretha Allen25
THIS IS HOW WE DO IT… Created by Doretha Allen26
Presenter Contact Info Doretha Allen Joyce Jackson