Research & Action Research Based Word Study Centers Fostering Independent Learning Susan Bohman,NBCT 5 th Grade Teacher Chicago Public Schools
Process of Creating Independence Model Center Activities Guided Whole Class Practice Independent Whole Class Practice & Provide Feedback Create P.O.P. chart Release to center & review P.O.P. chart
Accountability & Independence Daily Documentation of Word Study on graphic organizer Weekly assessment of documentation Self-reflection after guided reading centers
Organization Organize center activities by word and take one word per day. Organize center activities by activity and complete one activity per day for a set of words. Students take folder to center with chart. Dictionaries and supplies kept at center.
Exploring Words from Shared Text Chart guides activities for students to study a set of 5-7 words in one week. Students explore words by doing a different activity each day with the set of words. Day 1 - Word and definition are provided and filled in; Day 2 – synonym and antonym; Day 3 – illustration; Day 4 – sentences; Day 5 – review sheet and complete flash cards for words.
Roots & Affixes Word Center Chart used to organize word study of one affix or root each day. Word part & definition given Students brainstorm sample word or look up in dictionary Encouraged to pick sample word in which meaning of word part was easy to interpret. Illustrate sample words List other sample words offered by group Write sentence correctly using word.
Word Acquisition Through Context Clues Students use chart to study how one word is used in context each day. Students write word, code word, and write what they think it means. Students copy sentence, underline word and then find clue and circle it. Students then go back and define word and check if they found the correct clue. Words also are part of guided reading text and different types of clues are discussed. Vocabulary test scores from 32% to 76% on Learning 1 st after using this strategy.
Maintaining Word Learning Flashcards Review activities: Bingo, Memory, Hot Shot, crossword puzzles Assessment: Quiz every 2-3 weeks (any word or word part from any point in year may be on quiz).