Motivate to Achieve with Manipulatives Marsha Young Teacher Consultant Learning Resources International Reading Association 2007 Annual Conference: May 16, 2007
No Child Left Behind – NCLB Reading First Essential Components of Reading Phonemic Awareness Phonics Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension
Phonemic Awareness The ability to hear, identify, and play with individual sounds or phonemes in spoken words The ability to manipulate sounds including the ability to rhyme. It is the best predictor of success in learning to read. Patricia Cunningham, et al Phonemic awareness is the foundation of successful research-based reading instruction.
Phonics The knowledge that there is a systematic and predictable relationship between the letters of written language and the sound of spoken language
Fluency The ability to read orally with speed, accuracy, and proper expression Fluency provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension, enabling readers to recognize words and comprehend text at the same time.
Vocabulary The words we must know to communicate effectively
Comprehension The ability to understand, remember, and communicate with others about something read
Learning Styles Visual Auditory Kinesthetic, Tactile
Learning Styles Young learners, especially, must have experiences manipulating text Research has proven that concepts are easier to understand and are held in memory longer when a concept has been introduced and practiced through the use of manipulatives Children also improve fine-motor skills when they use manipulatives
Manipulatives in the Classroom How often should you use manipulatives? Which students should use manipulatives? How do I begin using manipulatives? When should I end? Which manipulatives are essential?
Early Phonics LER 2246Alphabet Pocket Chart LER 1046Lets Tackle the ABCs LER 0689Uppercase Alpha Clips LER 0691Lowercase Alpha Clips LER 1798Inflatable Alphabet Blocks LER 1796Inflatable Word Family Blocks LER 7214Rhyming and Word Families Books LER 7172Rhyming and Word Families Big Book
LER 7100Reading Rods Phonemic Awareness Classroom Kit LER 7101Reading Rods Word Families Classroom Kit LER 7102Reading Rods Word Building Classroom Kit LER 7103Reading Rods Sentence Building Classroom Kit LER 7219Reading Rods Student Center: Sentence Building Reading Rods ® Kits
Games LER 9519Sight Word Bingo LER 0341Go to Press LER 7025Reading Roadway LER 7180Word for Word Phonics Game LER 0647Write-On/Wipe-Off Answer Boards
Pocket Charts LER 2699Write-On/Wipe-Off Magnetic Tabletop Pocket Chart LER 1951Graphic Organizer Pocket Chart LER 2495Literature Circles Pocket Chart LER 2196Pocket Chart Stand
Comprehension & Writing LER 7232Writing Prompt Cubes LER 3037Creative Writing Flip Chart LER 7233Retell a Story Cubes LER 7022Reading Comprehension Cubes
LER 6910Radius Audio Learning System LER 6920Alphabet Awareness Card Set LER 6921Short Vowels Card Set LER 6922Long Vowels Card Set LER 6923Rhyming Word Families Card Set LER 6924Blends and Digraphs Card Set LER 6925Reading Fluency Card Set LER 6926Reading Comprehension Card Set LER 6936Reading Informational Text Card Set LER 6937Improving Vocabulary Comprehension Card Set Radius
Reading Mentor ® LER 6950Reading Mentor LER 7235Phonemic Awareness Library LER 7236Word Families Library LER 7237Word Building Library: Vowels LER 7238Word Building Library: Blends and Digraphs LER 7239Sentence Building Library
Thank You For Coming! Marsha Young