JAN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labors Office of Disability Employment Policy. 1 Current Events in Accommodation Linda Carter Batiste, J.D., Principal Consultant Beth Loy, Ph.D., Principal Consultant
From JAN: Numbers 36,000 contacts per year 10,000 electronic contacts 3,200,000 Webpage requests per year 2 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
From JAN: Website Redesign AskJAN.org Launch 3 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
From JAN: Webcast Archives Monthly Series Veterans Issues Customized Employment Employing and Accommodating an Aging Workforce Accommodation Ideas for Individuals with Fibromyalgia Federal Winter Webcast Series Hiring People with Disabilities in the Federal Government Reasonable Accommodation Process in the Federal Government Best Practices in the Employment of People with Disabilities in the Federal Government 4 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
From JAN: Publications ENews: Volume 9, Issue 1, First Quarter – Practical Guidance for Medical Professionals: Helping Patients Write Effective Accommodation Request Letters Two New Sample Forms for the Accommodation Process The Interactive Process and The Interactive Process: The Federal Sector Consultants Corner: A Support Person as an Accommodation 5 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
From JAN: Blogs Disability.gov Career Connection Series: What can be done to make service dogs easier to accept in the workplace? Accommodations Are Low Cost And High Impact! Department of Labor Work in Progress Shifting Gears: Transitioning from School to Work 6 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
From ODEP Campaign for Disability Employment Toolkit Return-to-Work Toolkit 7 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
8 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld Stay AskJAN.org
Costs / Benefits: 5 Surveys Employer Professional Self / Individual Self-Employment Other 9 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Current Events Employer Follow-up Study 1,182 employers interviewed between January, 2004, and December, employers interviewed between June 28, 2008, and July 31, 2010 Total of 1,665 Employers 10 HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Finding: Employers want to provide accommodations so they can retain valued and qualified employees. Current Events 11 HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Current Events Results Of the employers who called JAN for accommodation information and solutions, most were doing so to retain or promote (82%) a current employee. On average (including those persons who had just been given a job offer or who were newly hired), the employees had been with the company about seven years, with an average wage of about $14 for those paid by the hour, or an average annual salary of about $48,500. In addition, the individuals tended to be fairly well- educated, with 44% having a college degree or higher. 12 HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Finding: Most employers report no cost or low cost for accommodating employees with disabilities. Current Events 13 HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Current Events Results Over half of accommodations (56%) were made at no cost. Of the 37% who experienced a one-time cost to make an accommodation, the typical cost of accommodating an employee was $600. Only 23 (4%) said the accommodation resulted in an ongoing, annual cost to the company and 9 (2%) said the accommodation required a combination of one-time and annual costs. 14 HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Finding: Employers report accommodations are effective. Current Events 15 HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Current Events Results Of those responding, 76% reported the accommodations were either very effective or extremely effective. 16 HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Finding: Employers experience multiple direct and indirect benefits after making accommodations. Current Events 17 HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Direct Benefits of Accommodation Current Events 18 Direct Benefits % Company retained a valued employee89% Increased the employees productivity71% Eliminated costs associated with training a new employee60% Increased the employees attendance52% Increased diversity of the company43% Saved workers' compensation or other insurance costs39% Company hired a qualified person with a disability14% Company promoted an employee11% HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Indirect Benefits of Accommodation Current Events 19 Indirect Benefits Improved interactions with co-workers68% Increased overall company morale62% Increased overall company productivity59% Improved interactions with customers47% Increased workplace safety44% Increased overall company attendance38% Increased profitability32% Increased customer base18% HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
The study results consistently showed that the benefits employers receive from making workplace accommodations far outweigh the low cost. Current Events 20 HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
21 Current Events Stay AskJAN.org/topics /costs.htm HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Overview ADA Anniversary and Celebrations ADAAA Regulations GINA 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act Executive Order Telework Enhancement Act 22 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
23 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld Stay AskJAN.org
Usability Wide range of definitions Not only about people with disabilities There is an app for that! 24 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Smartphones Voiceover technology Zoom Font Adjustment Apps Proloque2Go, iConverse, iCommunicate, Locabulary, Tunewiki, SoundAMP, iSign, Voxie, A Special Phone, Glucose Buddy, Community Sidekick 25 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Kindle: Amazon.com Kindle for PC with Accessibility Plugin Text-to-speech reading with adjustable voice settings Voice-guided menu navigation Large font sizes High contrast reading mode Keyboard navigation Accessible shortcuts 26 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
iPad: Apple.com VoiceOver (with Braille Reader) Web and Language Rotor Contrast / Font Modification Zoom Word Completion / Correction USB Keyboard Mounting Options 27 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Loc-Line Modular Hose: modularhose.com Loc-Line System 28 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
livescribe smartpens: Pulse Echo 29 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Communication Device: Essence 30 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Combination Technology: yourdolphin.com SuperNova 31 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Seating: Surgical Stool with Hydraulic Base & Floor Lock 32 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
33 Current Events Stay AskJAN.org/SOAR HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Disability and Work Drugs and Alcohol Dress Codes 34 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Disability and Work: Drugs and Alcohol Casual Use Illegal Drug Use Alcohol Use Affecting Performance or Conduct 35 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Disability and Work Examples 36 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Disability and Work Employees with Alcoholism AskJAN.org/media/alcohol.html Employees with Drug Addiction AskJAN.org/media/drugadd.html 37 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Disability and Work: Dress Codes Clothing Hair Styles Safety Equipment Fragrances 38 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Disability and Work: Basic Rules Never Have to Modify if Required by Federal Law May Have to Justify as Job-Related and Consistent with Business Necessity May Not Be Reasonable Avatars 39 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
40 Current Events Stay AskJAN.org/new HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
Going Green Initiative Facility Cleaning Ventilation 41 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld
42 Current Events HomeBusinessPoliticsTechnologyLivingWorld Stay AskJAN.org
Current Events Contact (800) (V) & (877) (TTY) AskJAN.org & 43