Fluency Instruction CAN Make a Difference! Please note: In order to post this on the web, weve removed all student photos.
Kelowna Vancouver
Phone: (250) Ext Fax: (250) Student Support Services SD#23 (Central Okanagan) Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada Heather Baptie Terry Dobson
Fluency Comprehension Phonics Phonemic Awareness Vocabulary National Reading Panel Five Key Components of Reading
Describe a Non-fluent Reader Reads haltingly Slow, laborious Uncertain about sight words Reads word-by-word Ignores punctuation May make many errors
What is fluency? Fluency is reading aloud with accuracy, appropriate speed and expression. (Huey, 1908)
Fluency is... Multi-dimensional Accuracy Automaticity Prosody
Why is fluency important? Fluency is a bridge that connects decoding to comprehension. (Padak & Rasinski, 2007) Identifying Words Constructing Meaning FLUENCY
Measure Validity Coefficients Oral Recall/Retell.70 Cloze.72 Question Answering.82 Oral Reading Fluency.91 Fuchs, Fuchs, Hosp, & Jenkins, SSR, 2001 Oral Reading Fluency Correlates Highly with Reading Comprehension
Why are fluency and comprehension so highly correlated?
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Students become fluent by reading Just setting aside time for independent silent reading is not sufficient National Reading Panel Report (2000)
In 10 minutes of independent reading… A fluent reader might read 2,000 words A struggling reader might read only 500 words Equal practice time, unequal practice
Why teach fluency ? Fluency instruction improves reading comprehension Transfers to other subject areas – improves overall achievement Fluency instruction can make a difference.
Assessing Fluency
Reading Fluency Assessments Read Naturally Fluency Assessments 3-Minute Reading Assessments – Tim Rasinski (Scholastic) Readinga-z.com Fluency Passages Jerry Johns Fluency Assessments
*WCPM = Words Correct Per Minute Hasbrouck, J., & Tindal, G.A. (2006, April). Oral Reading Fluency Norms: A Valuable Assessment Tool for Reading Teachers. The Reading Teacher, 59(7), Hasbrouck & Tindal Oral Reading Fluency Data
How do you assess fluency? Listen to student read three unrehearsed passages at his/her grade level for one minute, while simultaneously noting prosody. Compare average wcpm score to Hasbrouck- Tindal norms.
Who benefits from fluency instruction? Students scoring 10 words or more below the 50 th percentile on the Hasbrouck & Tindal table
What other information can we gain during a fluency assessment? High frequency words Decoding skills Prosody – punctuation, phrasing, expression Comprehension Confidence
How do you teach fluency? Monitor Progress Repeated Reading Modeled Reading
Principles of integrating fluency into classroom reading program Provide models of fluent reading Structure opportunities for repeated oral reading of text with guidance and feedback Establish criteria and monitor progress Increase time students actually spend reading
More time spent reading... More words read
Step 1 Select a Story
Step 2 Key Words
Step 3 Prediction
Step 4 Cold Timing
Step 5 Graph Score in Blue
Step 6 Step 6 Read Along
Step 7 Practice the Story
Step 8 Answer the Questions
Comprehension Questions All Levels 1.Identifying the main idea 2.Recalling a fact 3.Getting the meaning of a word from context 4.Making connections within the text 5.Connecting the authors and the readers ideas Levels 5.6 and Above 6.Developing vocabulary 7.Attending to details 8.Drawing conclusions 9.Summarizing or finding supporting details
Step 9 Pass the Story
Step 10 Graph Score in Red
Step 11 Write a Retell
There is no comprehension strategy that compensates for difficulty reading words accurately & fluently. (Torgenson, 2003)