Legislative Agenda for 2008 Or, how election year politics mixes with governance
Whats happening NCLB Reauthorization NCLB Reauthorization Higher Education Reauthorization Higher Education Reauthorization Funding for Education Funding for Education IRA new legislative initiative on professional development IRA new legislative initiative on professional development
Whats the political backdrop Presidential election year Presidential election year –Dems – two candidates who are Senators on HELP Committee More Republicans Retiring from Congress More Republicans Retiring from Congress –Implication a greater democratic majority in 2009
What is the education politics Almost every education group sees the need for major changes in accountability, etc. Almost every education group sees the need for major changes in accountability, etc. No one is talking about changing formulas No one is talking about changing formulas Civil Rights groups more in favor of keeping accountability Civil Rights groups more in favor of keeping accountability
Status of NCLB Senate and House Committees working on changes Senate and House Committees working on changes –Even meetings between House and Senate Staffs ED says, wants new bill but moving to make changes through regulations ED says, wants new bill but moving to make changes through regulations
Timing Bills released to public Bills released to public Comment period – one maybe two weeks Comment period – one maybe two weeks Mark-up Mark-up Floor Floor Conference Conference July/August political conventions July/August political conventions
Higher Education Act Literacy Coaches – masters degree in reading or working on it or specific background Literacy Coaches – masters degree in reading or working on it or specific background Partnership grants to support literacy training by establishing and implementing a program that strengthens content knowledge and teaching skills of elementary and secondary school teachers or literacy coaches Partnership grants to support literacy training by establishing and implementing a program that strengthens content knowledge and teaching skills of elementary and secondary school teachers or literacy coaches
Funding Program FY 2008 Request 09 % Difference (all figures in thousands of dollars) Title I Part A6,597,986 6,597,946 0 Title I Concentration1,365,031 0 Title I Targeted Grants2,967,949 3,373, Title I Finance Incentive2,967,949 0 School Improvement491,265 0
Reading First393,012 1,000, Striving Readers35,371100, Even Start66, Math Now095,000* Pell Grants for Kids0300,000*
Timing on funding Presidents Budget Submitted – Feb 4 Presidents Budget Submitted – Feb 4 Congressional Budget Process – May 15 Congressional Budget Process – May 15 Appropriations – September 30 th Appropriations – September 30 th Continuing Resolution?? Continuing Resolution??
IRA Legislative Initiative on Professional Development Teachers and teaching make a difference Teachers and teaching make a difference Emphasis on math/science instruction has lead to increase in NAEP scores Emphasis on math/science instruction has lead to increase in NAEP scores Professional Development in Reading First has resulted in improvements Professional Development in Reading First has resulted in improvements Links between K-12 & Higher Ed will increase effectiveness Links between K-12 & Higher Ed will increase effectiveness
How proposal is outlined Funding flows – 20% SEA, 20% IHE, & 60% Local schools Funding flows – 20% SEA, 20% IHE, & 60% Local schools Child count + poverty (low achieving) = allocation Child count + poverty (low achieving) = allocation IHE distributed by new teachers sent to high poverty districts IHE distributed by new teachers sent to high poverty districts
Next Steps Seeking Congressional sponsor Seeking Congressional sponsor Redraft legislative concepts into bill language Redraft legislative concepts into bill language Seek co-sponsors for introduction Seek co-sponsors for introduction
What does it all mean Election year – offices are interested in talking to you about what you want. Election year – offices are interested in talking to you about what you want. Ask for: Ask for: –Funding support for education –Changing NCLB –Support reading/literacy coaches in HEA –Introduce IRA Professional Development Bill