Coaching From Theory to Practice Your Team of Presenters: Linda Castaldo Gail Fazio Denise Greco Yelena Horre Tracey Lepore Linden Public Schools, Linden NJ
The Game Plan… Introduce the team Define the many roles of a coach Identify the steps in the coaching process Identify ways to navigate roadblocks Describe the parent component Provide an overview of professional development options for teachers
Coach’s Play Book Know your team Maintain Professionalism Lead Facilitate Support Maintain Confidence Build Trust Slowly Build Knowledge Base Model life-long learning Network with others Willingness to share
Coaching the team! Provide professional development Offer support in the classroom Create a climate of literacy Offer support to parents Encourage individual professional growth
The Coaching Process
Sometimes practice isn’t perfect! Problems on the field… Teachers are resistant to change Unclear about the role of the coach Unsure about their role in process Time constraints Variations in commitment to personal professional growth Many different levels of experience/knowledge Administrative support Changing staff
Parent Component Parent Workshops Family Literacy Events District Literacy Days Cooperative Learning Opportunities Author Visits Special Incentive Programs
Strengthening the Team… … through professional development Common planning Grade level meetings Study Groups District-wide in-service days One to one with teachers Outside presenters
Based on the work of Colleen Buddy Reaching Your Goal Some principles to keep in mind… Based on the work of Colleen Buddy
The Dick & Jane Principle Look! See! Take the time to visit the teachers you’re working with so you’ll know HOW to MOVE THEM FORWARD. Remember- gradual release continuum starts w/ the LEARNER, not you.
THE SPICE GIRL PRINCIPLE Beware of Fads! Stay grounded in SBRR
THE TORTOISE & THE HARE PRINCIPLE Pacing is an individual style. Be sensitive to the needs of the learner. The gradual release continuum is not a straight line. Learning is recursive.
Relationships have soul. THE OPRAH PRINCIPLE Relationships have soul. Rapport is essential when working with adults. Take time to get to know the teachers you work with. It’s not until a relationship is established that a teacher is willing to take a risk.
THE SISTINE CHAPEL PRINCIPLE Masterpieces develop over time. Realize that adult learning takes time. Often you will not see the benefit of your work in total.
THE TOMIE DePAOLA PRINCIPLE Stamp your on every page of your work. Stay passionate. Let your individual style shine through.
THE GREAT DEBATE PRINCIPLE Steer clear of “us versus them”. We all want the same thing- literate children loving to read & doing it well. Maintain an open mind, be open to another way of accomplishing the same thing. REMEMBER- we are all in the business of children- How is your business going?? There Is None.
Each Of Us Blooms In Our Own Good Time. LEO THE LATE BLOOMER Each Of Us Blooms In Our Own Good Time. Some teachers take longer on the gradual release continuum. Keep modeling, offering feedback, & they will bloom in due time.
THE MARTHA STEWART PRINCIPLE Good Things Count. Flowers, notes coffee, & candy count. Simple courtesies make the teachers you work with feel special, understood, and acknowledged. Don’t forget what it feels like to be in a classroom all day with 25 kindergartners or to be at a loss with what to do with Joey who just can’t seem to learn his alphabet and it’s now May.
Observe the interplay of reality & reflection. THE MONET PRINCIPLE Observe the interplay of reality & reflection. Through observation & feedback, the teacher is encouraged to reflect upon & consider his/her instruction. You provide a mirror for them to accomplish this. Don’t forget to use this principle to improve your own practices.
Coaching is a Challenge! …but it’s worth it! Thanks for coming!
Coaching is a Challenge! … but it’s worth it! Oprah article The Four Agreements Post-it-Notes Professional resource list in your packet. My business cards – I do outside consulting Evaluation. Thanks for coming!
Linden All-Star Team: Gail Fazio, Reading Supervisor Linda Castaldo, Literacy Coach Denise Greco, Literacy Coach Yelena Horre, Literacy Coach Tracey Lepore, Literacy Coach
References Lyons, C. and Pinnell, G. (2001). Systems for change in literacy education. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Puig, E. and Froelich, K. (2007). The literacy coach: Guiding in the right direction. Boston, MA: Pearson. Robb, L. (2000). Redefining staff development: A collaborative model for teachers and administrators. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Toll, C. (2006). The literacy coach’s desk reference: Processes and perspectives for effective coaching. Urbana, Illinois: NCTE. Toll, C. (2005). The literacy’s coach’s survival guide: Essential questions and practical answers. Newark, DE: IRA. Walpole, S. and McKenna, M. (2004). The literacy coach’s handbook. New York: The Guilford Press. Florida Center for Reading Research