Common Core Standards Whats important for IRA
Key areas First time Standards for reading include content areas. Overall emphasis on cognitive abilities rather than simple skills No check list Could empower teachers
Key Players Gene Wilhoit of the Council of Chief State School Officers Dane Linn of the National Governors Association
CCSSO Nov 8, 2010 How the Demand for Skills is Changing (Source: Levy and Murnane) The dilemma for schools is that the skills that are easiest to teach and test are also the ones that are easiest to digitize, automate, and outsource.
How the Demand for Skills is Changing (Source: Levy and Murnane) The dilemma for schools is that the skills that are easiest to teach and test are also the ones that are easiest to digitize, automate, and outsource.
What is being done Two large scale assessments being developed – Emphasis on more than one measure States are adopting – then adapting – States are looking at what they have and making changes – Discussing professional development Discussions on what it means and what needs to be done to implement
IRA Discussions Task Force recommending key elements be developed – such as materials on text complexity. State council leaders asking for web based site with comprehensive information IRA developing a set of materials to interpret and implement standards
What you should be expecting States with Race to the Top programs will have to implement with great fidelity Some states are thinking about what they should add to the standards (according to Race to the Top – can add up to 15% more) Discussions about what is going to be implemented Discussing designs for professional development
What should you do? Outreach to your state education agency (dont wait to be called) Touch base with IRA – several calls between state leaders have been held to discuss how standards discussions are moving ahead Use IRA materials