1 6.0 Drawings for Electrical Systems
2 6.0 It’s an easily used software programme for designing and estimating electrical systems for residential and service industry applications What is GWCAD for?
3 6.0 It enables installers and designers to produce: - location plan drawings of the building part - drawings of the electrical system - a distribution layout (including accessories) - calculate lighting requirements - a list of materials What does GWCAD provide?
4 6.0 This is a programme that works independently (AutoCAD not required) The programme has a two-dimensional CAD engine with all the main AutoCAD commands (layer, grid, filters, block management, etc.) It is possible to import and generate “dwg” and “dxf” files Drawings and images in the usual formats (bmp, jpg, wmf, etc.) can be imported and used for designing the system GENERAL FEATURES
5 6.0 MENU BAR TOOL BAR The programme’s commands are in the various drop-down menus of the “Menu bar”. Some commands (the main ones) are available at the icons beneath the menu bar and to the left of the worksheet. These icons are all in the “Tool Bar”.
6 6.0 The various “Tool Bars” available can be put on display by going to the Tool Bar command in the menu “File/Preferences”. TOOL BAR
7 6.0 Architecture Menu Wall Door Window Column Join walls Move/Stretch object Properties... - Architecture continued... TOOL BAR Furniture library Feature
8 6.0 Electrical Menu... - Electrical Configure composition Close composition Device properties Explode composition Number boxes Draw distribution Add distribution accessories Marker Lighting calculation Symbols list Bill TOOL BAR Composition photo Graphic composition Electrical libraries
9 6.0 CAD tools menu... - CAD tools Draw filters TOOL BAR Automatic filters
COMMANDS BAR Example: after having clicked on the icon “Wall”, you can: -draw the “Starting point” of the wall, or - click on “Arch wall” to draw an “Arch wall”, or - click on “Properties” (the window “Wall properties” appears) COMMANDS BAR: after having launched a command (clicking on the icon or using the menu bar), messages appear in the Commands Bar representing requests for operations or parameters that the programme is expecting. The various possibilities are separated by “/”, and to select one, just click on it.
On starting up GWCAD, it is possible to adjust the worksheet by choosing: format; direction of the worksheet; scale; measuring unit. SETTING SCALE AND PAGE
“FILE” COMMANDS In the “File” menu there have been included the commands for managing files (New, Open, Save, etc.); settings of the drawing sheet; printing settings. Specifically: -the “Import-Export” command enables importing drawings in the AutoCAD formats “dwg” and “dxf”; -the “Preferences” command enables setting: > the background colour > the measuring unit > variable aspects > the menu bars
At “Edit” in the menu bar it is possible: to duplicate generate a series move turn mirror scale (…) the elements drawn, in the following way: - launch a command; -select the element to be edited; -follow the instructions given in the commands bar. “EDIT” COMMANDS
In the “Draw” menu there are the commands for: drawing the basic elements (lines, circles, etc.); write text; dimension; manage drawing blocks; importing images in various formats (bmp, jpg, etc.), for instance, scanned layout plans (follow the instructions in the dialogue window that opens). “DRAW” COMMANDS
In “Tools” there are various commands: management of styles; filters for precision drawing. In detail: continued... “TOOLS” COMMANDS
… the “Ortho” command is for drawing and shifting elements vertically or horizontally; with the “Textstyle” command, the text can be differentiated using Windows fonts “TOOLS” COMMANDS
In “View” there are various commands for displaying the drawing. Specifically: the “Zoom” command is for enlarging a detail in the drawing, and is used by: - launching the command; -click on the upper-left corner of the detail to be enlarged; -click on the lower-right corner of the detail to be enlarged, the command “Zoom Extension” is for seeing the whole drawing on the screen “VIEW” COMMANDS
Symbols library DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Electrical symbols In the library there are symbols associated with GEWISS products, and symbols for non- GEWISS products: select the icon “Symbols library”; select the category of symbols (Luminaires, sockets, Domestic series – terminals, etc.) select the electrical symbol select the series and device at the dialogue window position and direct the device chosen within the location plan
Domestic series accessories It is now possible to select: Series Fitting Plate colour To insert the plate associated with one or more control/socket modules: click on the command “Insert domestic series accessories” and select in a box one or more symbols of the compatible domestic series: click on the left of the mouse at the first top corner of the area where the control modules are present; continued... DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Calculate domestic series accessories
move the mouse to the second top corner: a rectangle will be created around the group of devices; click to confirm and then Enter. A dialogue window appears for establishing the type of fitting and the plate wanted Once the composition has been created, the accessories will be added to the list of materials DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Composition photo With this button is possible to export the images of the compositions (Devices + Plates) and insert them into the project. Clicking on this button and chosing the composition you can save the picture Composition photo DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Graphic composition Using this command you can Graphic composition insert various devices in one box: continued... DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Devices commands Range select Laying select Plate selectDevices layout DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Further commands relating to the Domestic series Device properties: for changing the type of device inserted Explode composition: for cancelling the operation for calculating domestic series accessories so as to return to the original devices without accessories Number boxes: to number the boxes and get a list of components in which there is the reference to the box they come from continued... Number boxes Explode composition Device properties DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Defining symbols scale The command Set composition makes it possible to set a scale for all the symbols, so that they can be inserted proportionally into an imported location plan (for instance). The symbols can be larger or smaller, increasing and decreasing the amount in the “Correction factor for fixed blocks”. DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Configure composition
Duct choice You can lay out a distribution route (tubes or channels) Select the command “Distribution layout” and click inside the location plan at the initial point of the distribution layout. A dialogue box enables: setting the initial height above ground and the width; choosing the tube/sheath etc.; adding new lines already defined or create new ones as required. Draw distribution DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Duct design Once the choice of duct has been made, its route can be laid out by moving the mouse to the point wanted and clicking on its left side. While drawing, there are shown: the height from the floor the length of the section. DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Duct design The duct can be designed virtually at various heights above ground by using the command “Upward”; this can be activated while designing the distribution by clicking on the word “Upright” to the left of the command bar. The points where the duct rises/descends are marked by an arrow DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
Displaying ducts Using the command “ASSONOMETRIC PROJECTION” it is possible to get a 3D view, generating an image after having defined the two coordinates and traced round the area to be projected: continued... DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM … Assonometric projection of the ducting
Add distribution accessories DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Distribution accessories This command is for selecting and adding accessories to the distribution system inserted (tubes or channels). The programme only offers the accessories compatible with the type of channel/tube selected. Operating the command: click on the specific command click on the channel (or tube) click on the quantity and set the amount
DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Lighting calculation This can be done in two ways. METHOD 1: devices > illumination After having inserted the luminaires, select the command “Lighting calculation”: select the area of interest (with a double click at its top corners or clicking inside it) a dialogue window will open – shown here – which gives the results of the lighting requirement values continued... Lighting calculation
… At this point it is possible: to change the luminaires, modify the level of illumination change the number of luminaires For each change, the programme updates the values (either the number of luminaires or the level of illumination) continued... DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
METHOD 2: illumination > luminaires Select the command “Lighting calculation”: select the area of interest (with a double click at its top corners or clicking inside it) a dialogue window will open, shown here choose the luminaire wanted; set the level of illumination wanted “Calculate” the programme calculates the number of luminaires required continued... DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
… At this point it is possible: to change the luminaires, modify the level of illumination change the number of luminaires For each change, the programme updates the values (either the number of luminaires or the level of illumination) DRAWING COMMANDS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM
LIST OF MATERIALS QUANTITIES ESTIMATE Bill Regarding the electrical components drawn, a list of materials can be prepared The list can be: Whole drawing (regarding the whole drawing) Layers ON only (relating only to the active layers) Selected (based on the area selected)
LIST OF MATERIALS QUANTITIES ESTIMATE Regarding the components in the domestic series: in the list of materials it can be decided to take account of the cables and tubes that the programme automatically inserts in the composition; the various components can be grouped by box, so as to have for each element the reference to the composition.
The list of materials can be: printed saved to file in text format (txt) saved to file to be processed by the programme “GWPRICE” LIST OF MATERIALS QUANTITIES ESTIMATE
Marker: for each distribution layout, the identity data for the duct can be included in the drawing KEYS AND IDENTIFIERS Symbols list: it is possible to insert in the drawing the key to the symbols used in the electrical diagram Marker Symbols list
PRINT The “Print” command ( from the menu “File”) enables various options to be set:… continued...
PRINT … A) Paper (page format): scale, staggering, printing on 1 or more sheets, etc. … continued...
PRINT … B) No paper (object to be printed): print all, print window (details can be printed, also very enlarged, on a sheet in whatever format wanted – “Indicate” command), etc. continued...
PRINT … C) Setting (to set page and printer): margins, conversion colours-thickness, printer settings, etc. continued...
MANUAL Within GWCAD (“Help GWCAD” command) there is a Manual available in which all the functions and commands in the programme are explained. This manual, in “pdf” format, can be viewed on screen or printed