WIOD meeting – Sevilla May 26th 2011 Session 6 A consolidated European Union and Euro Area supply-use system and input-output tables Eurostat, Unit C2,


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Presentation transcript:

WIOD meeting – Sevilla May 26th 2011 Session 6 A consolidated European Union and Euro Area supply-use system and input-output tables Eurostat, Unit C2, Isabelle Rémond-Tiedrez Joint paper written by Rueda-Cantuche, J.M., Beutel, J., Remond-Tiedrez,I., Bouwmeester, M. C. and Oosterhaven, J.)

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Project history Oct 2007: cooperation is set up –Eurostat National Accounts Unit –Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS) in Seville and –the Konstanz University of Applied Sciences. Early 2010, collaboration extended to : – EUROSTAT Unit E.7 (Environmental accounts and climate change) and its contractors May 2011: Eurêka data on line

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Which selection of tables for European aggregates? Supply table (SUP) at basic prices for the 27 EU Member States, the European Union and euro area; Use table (USE) at basic prices broken down into domestic (USEdom) and imports (USEimp) uses for the 27 EU Member States, the European Union and euro area; Symmetric product by product input-output (SIOT) table broken down into domestic and imports uses for the European Union and euro area.

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Which details for European aggregates? Current prices Years 2000 onwards 59 products (CPA) * 59 activities (NACE) 6 products * 6 activities

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Data availability Official tables (ESA Transmission Program): –SUP yearly (table 1500) –USE at purchasers prices yearly (table 1600) –SIOT, SIOTdom, SIOTimp 5-yearly (tables 1700, 1800, 1900) Additional tables –USE at basic prices (1610) USEdom (1611) USEimp (1612) –Trade and Transport Margins (1620) –Taxes Less Subsidies (1630)

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Official and additional tables

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Methodology 1.Estimate USE table at basic prices for every country with split import and domestic; 2.simply add-up the 27 tables 3.balance the intra-EU import table with the information on intra-EU exports 4.aggregate domestic and balanced intra-EU imports 5.transform European SUT into IOT -> technical paper exes/naio_esms_an1.pdf exes/naio_esms_an1.pdf

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Methodology, point 1: estimation of USE at basic prices Itineraries defined according to available data Purchaser's prices (excluding any deductible VAT) - trade and transport margins - non-deductible VAT - taxes on products + subsidies on products = Basic prices -> USE pp – TTM – TLS = USEbp Estimations of TTM, TLS not essential: TLS+TTM Assumptions: product technology assumption, proportionality of imports Examples

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Data situation: 5 groups

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Estimation of USE at basic prices, examples for 2 data situations Good data situation: –SUP, USEpp, SIOT, SIOTdom, SIOTimp –Product technology assumption –Reverse model : SIOT, SIOTdom, SIOTimp Incomplete data situation: –SUP, USEpp –Previous years information -> itinerary –Split import/domestic

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 SUPSIOT SIOTimpSIOTdom IMP USEimp USEbp (final) USEdom USEbp (draft) Itinerary 2: Reverse Model (dark blue) Distinguishing domestic and import uses (bright green) USEpp Value addedFinal demand Good data situation USEimp(-1)

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 SUP TLSTTMIMPTLS(-1) USEbp(-1) USEimp USEbp (final) TLS + TTM USEdom USEpp(-1) USEbp (draft ) Itinerary 4: Merging valuation matrices Distinguishing domestic and import uses USEpp Incomplete data situation USEimp(-1) Value added

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 The result: EU27 Symmetric Input-Output table

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Consistency: EU27 SUIO Tables versus Macro economic aggregates

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Next steps Dissemination of EU27 and EA17 data via Eurostat database Statistics in focus including environmental extension Data now available; 2007 by September Nace rev 2: from year 2008 onwards – no backdata

WIOD meeting – Seville May 26th 2011 Supply Use Input-Output Table Super Tool Comments, analysis :