Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 1 WP 4 Satellite accounts: environmental indicators Iñaki Arto, Aurélien Genty Joint Research Centre (JRC)


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Presentation transcript:

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 1 WP 4 Satellite accounts: environmental indicators Iñaki Arto, Aurélien Genty Joint Research Centre (JRC) IPTS - Institute for Prospective Technological Studies

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 2 Outline A. Satellite accounts 1.Update of energy and air emission accounts 2.New accounts: resources extraction, land, water 3.Deliverables B. Linking the Environmental Satellites with the Prototype WIOD CGE Model (Simon Koesler, ZEW)

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 3 1.Update of energy and air emission accounts

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 4 Energy use Status on WIOD Energy use –First release in June/July 2010 –Update in September 2010 –Currently updating Energy use to include January update of WIOD SUTs Main issues in September 2010s release –Negative/unrealistic assignments due to inconsistencies between IEA physical energy data and WIOD monetary data (SUTs) –Wrong assignments (codes) –EXIOPOL results unavailable Negative/unrealistic assignments Corrections on case-by-case basis Wrong assignments Improvement of code routines EXIOPOL results Energy use finally released (after delay) and information taken on board

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 5 Air emissions Status on WIOD Air emissions –First release in June/July 2010 –Update in September 2010 –Update of WIOD Energy use Update of WIOD Air emissions Main issues in September 2010s release –Wrong assignments –Unavailability of EXIOPOL results Wrong assignments Improvement of code routines EXIOPOL results Air emissions finally released (after delay): to be taken on board

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 6 2.New accounts: resources extraction, land, water

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 7 Introduction WP4 Description of Work: –WP4 Objective: collect, process and organize a comprehensive set of satellite accounts (…) covering the main environmental indicators for which data of satisfactory quality are available: Energy & Air emissions Additionally, this work package will strive to include some water emissions, resource and land uses and the generation and treatment of various types of waste. However, the feasibility of this extension will have to be tested against the availability of data of acceptable quality. Also land use data by sector will be provided but probably with a less detailed industry allocation, depending on data availability. –With respect to data acquisition, this work package will extensively build on the deliverables of the FP6 project EXIOPOL Checked availability and quality of data: –Natural resources extraction –Land use –Water use

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 8 Resource CategoriesNACEWIOD Biomass_animalssec05secAtB Biomass_feedsec01secAtB Biomass_foodsec01secAtB Biomass_forestrysec02secAtB Biomass_othersec01secAtB Fossil_coalsec10secC Fossil_gassec11secC Fossil_oilsec11secC Fossil_othersec11secC Minerals_constructionsec14secC Minerals_industrialsec14secC Minerals_metalssec13secC Natural Resources Extraction Source: SERI ( based on FP5-MOSUS, same as in EXIOPOL Time coverage: 1980 – 2007 Units: 1000 t Method: Direct allocation of resource extraction to corresponding sectors (NACE and WIOD sectors)

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 9 Land Use Source: ResourceSTAT-FAO, same as in EXIOPOL Time coverage: 1961 – 2007 Units: 1000 hectare Method: Direct allocation of land use to corresponding sectors Land CategoriesNACEWIOD Agricultural_areasec01secAtB Forest_areasec02secAtB

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 10 Water Use Source: EXIOPOL Time coverage: 2000 Estimation rest of the years –Sect01 estimation based on Biomass extraction from WIOD Natural Resources accounts: WaterUse sec01,t = (WaterUse sec01,2000 / Biomass sec01,2000 ) x BiomassExtr sec01,t –Other sectors estimation based on WIOD Vale Added constant prices: WaterUse i,t = (WaterUse i,2000 / VA i,2000 ) x VA i,t Units: 1000 m 3 Categories (same as in EXIOPOL): –Water_blue: surface and ground water –Water_green: rain water –Water_total: water consumption of industrial sectors (no distinction between blue o green)

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 11 3.Deliverables

Sevilla May 2011, WIOD 2 nd Consortium Meeting 12 Database on environmental extensions Next release of the DB: –July 2011: Energy use, Air emissions (3 th version) Natural Resources Extraction, Land Use, Water Use (1 st version) Final release of the DB (D4.4, month: 36): –May 2012: Environmental data updated based on: Comments received Availability of new data (e.g. update of WIOD SUTs) Technical report on the compilation of the environmental satellites database (D4.5 month: 36) –Update Deliverable 4.2 adding technical information on the compilation of other environmental extensions