WIOD WORLD INPUT-OUTPUT DATABASE construction WP 1-5 Marcel Timmer Groningen Growth and Development Centre University of Groningen (WIOD Conference, Sevilla,


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Presentation transcript:

WIOD WORLD INPUT-OUTPUT DATABASE construction WP 1-5 Marcel Timmer Groningen Growth and Development Centre University of Groningen (WIOD Conference, Sevilla, May, 2011) This project is funded by the European Commission, Research Directorate General as part of the 7th Framework Programme, Theme 8: Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities. Grant Agreement no:

WIOD project: Work Packages WP1-3: Construction of harmonized supply and use tables, national input-output tables, price deflators, trade flows and intercountry input-output tables WP4: Construction of environmental satellite accounts (energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, etc.) WP5: Construction of socio-economic satellite accounts (skill levels, investment, accumulation of intangibles)

List of Countries EU-27 plus13 non-EU: - Canada- China - United States- India - Brazil- Japan - Mexico- South Korea - Turkey- Taiwan - Russia- Indonesia - Australia

Past year work done SUTs time-series (RUG, IPTS, HTWG) Trade in goods and services (WIIW) Inter-country IO tables (RUG, WIIW) Socio-economic accounts (RUG): building upon World KLEMS project Environmental accounts (IPTS): building upon EXIOPOL project Consultation and feedback through workshops: OECD, WTO, Eurostat, IO-community, consortium members

Dataflows and construction steps in WIOT WP 1 WP 3 WP 2

Achievements Draft full version of WIOT time-series ( ) and underlying national and international SUTs At current and constant national prices Three revision rounds mainly geared towards Negatives in intermediate block Treatment of tax/trade margins Split domestic and import USE Improving trade data (in particular services trade) Draft version of environmental accounts: increasing number of variables Draft version of socio-economic accounts: continuous work on various non-EU countries

Remaining challenges WIOTable Negative exports to ROW, Better data onTariffs Continous improvement on trade in services International trade margins (imports cif/fob) Re-exports: problems bigger than expected but data- situation very weak. We decided to keep them in (as in National Accounts) and not work back towards original source country (except for Hong Kong) Environmental and socio-economic acounts: progress is depended on other projects: Exiopol and World KLEMS

PPP based tables D1.4: Preliminary constant international price SUTs for Based on International deflators (PPPs): World Bank ICP expenditure PPPs adjusted and allocated to industries (for 2005). All necessary data has been collected from World Bank. Will be implemented in upcoming months.

Future plans Presentation of results at workshops incl. World Bank, NBER, Input- Output-conference etc. More rounds of revisions towards final database. We will revise the database in the upcoming months based on the comments received Extension of WIOT to 2009 Full set of socio-economic and environmental accounts

Why WIOD? Number of alternative initiatives is rising Main innovations in WIOT Benchmarked on National Accounts data with transparent flow of adjustments Timeseries data: updating is integral part Methodological improvements (e.g. SUT-RAS; import by use) Integrated socio-economic and environmental accounts Quality? Consistent approach as limited number of people work on the database. Inbetween official statistics and anything-goes-because- we-can-RAS approach

Long-term challenges Upcoming revisions in System of National Accounts and industrial classifications SEEA and environmental accounts integration Institutionalize this type of work in statistical world (long-long term) and academic community (long- term)

Additional material

Columns in Use table

Rows in Use table (part 1)

Rows in Use table (part 2)


Deliverables, coming years