New Skills for Engineers IEEE-USA 2000 Career s Conference Jim Britt - IEEE Senior Member 16 Ellsworth Road Peabody, MA 01960-5307


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Presentation transcript:

New Skills for Engineers IEEE-USA 2000 Career s Conference Jim Britt - IEEE Senior Member 16 Ellsworth Road Peabody, MA

Jim Britt- Skills - Overview b Todays Environment

Jim Britt- Skills - Overview b Todays Environment b Skills - Typical / New

Jim Britt- Skills - Overview b Todays Environment b Skills - Typical / New b Benefits

Jim Britt- Skills - Overview b Todays Environment b Skills - Typical / New b Benefits b Building Skills

Jim Britt- Todays Environment b Faster pace for change Increased StressIncreased Stress

Jim Britt- Todays Environment b Faster pace for change Increased StressIncreased Stress b Less hierarchy More Self DirectionMore Self Direction

Jim Britt- Todays Environment b Faster pace for change Increased StressIncreased Stress b Less hierarchy More Self DirectionMore Self Direction b Improved productivity TeamworkTeamwork

Jim Britt- Todays Environment b Faster pace for change Increased StressIncreased Stress b Less hierarchy More Self DirectionMore Self Direction b Improved productivity TeamworkTeamwork b Low unemployment

Jim Britt- Engineers Skills - Typical b Technical Knowledge Specific / GeneralSpecific / General

Jim Britt- Engineers Skills - Typical b Technical Knowledge Specific / GeneralSpecific / General b Computer Skills HardwareHardware –Use / Design SoftwareSoftware –User / Developer

Jim Britt- Engineers New Skills b Emotional Intelligence Enthusiasm / OptimismEnthusiasm / Optimism Management SkillsManagement Skills Self -awarenessSelf -awareness

Jim Britt- Engineers New Skills - Cont b Empathy b Managing your emotions - effectively b Persuasion b Teamwork

Jim Britt- b Leadership b Managing relationships Daniel Goldman Emotional Intelligence, New York: Bantam BooksDaniel Goldman Emotional Intelligence, New York: Bantam Books Engineers New Skills - cont

Jim Britt- Circumstances b Many hats Project LeaderProject Leader Individual ContributorIndividual Contributor Problem SolversProblem Solvers Knowledge workersKnowledge workers MentorMentor MotivatorMotivator

Jim Britt- Benefits b Improved communication

Jim Britt- Benefits b Improved communication b Productivity increases

Jim Britt- Benefits b Improved communication b Productivity increases b Real teamwork

Jim Britt- Benefits b Improved communication b Productivity increases b Real teamwork b Improved retention

Jim Britt- Building EQ Skills b Mentoring Programs

Jim Britt- Building EQ Skills b Mentoring Programs b Coaching Programs

Jim Britt- Building EQ Skills b Mentoring Programs b Coaching Programs b External Resources College contactsCollege contacts IEEE contactsIEEE contacts

Jim Britt- Summary b People skills More importantMore important –Increased uncertainty –Increased stress Benefit both partiesBenefit both parties –Individual –Company