Rama Shastri, Chair, IEEE-USA PEC Ensuring the Next Generation of Engineers An IEEE-USA PEC Perspective
Mission To effect improvements in the mathematics, science and technology education of all pre-college students in the United States and to help increase their functional and technological literacy.
PEC in IEEE-USA IEEE-USABODCareer Activities Member Activities Employment and Career Services Pre-College Education Communication Consultants Network Technology Policy Activities Professional Activities
Programs Awards Brochure Precollege Teacher Reward/Grant program Web site Partnerships
Awards 7 th annual IEEE-USA Best Communications System Award Engineers Week Future Cities competition Turkey Valley Community School, Jackson Junction, IA Teacher / Engineer Partnership Award Awarded to a true partnership between an engineer (member) and teacher Joy Huebel (Educator) and Renato Recio (Engineer)
Brochure Brochure aimed at Middle School students was designed, 50,000 distributed
Precollege Teacher Grant/Reward Program Easy to apply for small grants to foster innovation Gave out $4.25K for 6 grants in 2006 Have $4.25K for 2007 Have a commitment from IEEE-USA BoD for an additional 15K through 2010 Program will to grow through corporate sponsorship / cooperation
PEC Website and VC IEEE-USA PEC Website - ittees/pec/index.html IEEE-USA PEC Website IEEE Online Communities - "IEEE Educator / Engineer Collaboration - _eng IEEE Online Communities - "IEEE Educator / Engineer Collaboration
Partnerships The issues of pre-engineering programs is too large for any single organization to fix PEC is exploring a new partnership with Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS) to promote K-12 engineering programs Collaborate with IEEE PECC on US centric programs Participate at NSTA and NCTM conferences
Partnership with PECC Calling all Engineers in Region 5!!! Are you interested in working with your local schools, school districts and teachers? Do you want to help improve the level of technical literacy of teachers and their students in your local community? Then you should attend IEEEs Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) Training Workshop! Started in 2001, TISP features IEEE volunteers developing and presenting technologically oriented subject matter to educators in a professional development or in-service setting. In the last several years, IEEE volunteers have made more than 50 presentations to over 1200 pre-university educators within the United States, Asia and Africa. These educators reach over 130,000 students! Now you can be a TISP Champion! The IEEE Educational Activities Department Region 5 and the Dallas Section are hosting a TISP Training Workshop: July 13-14, 2007, at the Marriott DFW North Hotel in Dallas, TX.
Example of Section Activity Cedar Rapids Section Members helped to judge the Eastern Iowa Science and Engineering Fair Sponsored a special award at the Fair. Advised students and teachers in local schools in projects for the Future Cities and First LEGO League design contests. Participated in the Career Guidance Dinner with the Iowa Engineering Society.
Example of Section Activity Galveston Bay Section Programs Elementary School Science Fair Mentoring Honor Students Presentations Space Toys Building Structures Science Demo & Competition during Engineering Week
Example of Section Activity Intermediate School Science Fair Judging Career Day Presentations Future City Competition BEST Robotics High School Science Fair Mentoring, Judging and Awards Career Day Presentations FIRST Competition Support School Math Competitions ISD Engineering Week Brief
Summary Future generations must be technologically and scientifically literate IEEE-USA has an important role to play in making this happen
Your PEC Contacts Rama Shastri – Chair – Ken Reid – Past Chair – Region 1 – Larry Nelson - Region 2 – Amarjeet Basra - Region 3 – Mark McKeage - Region 4 – Steven James – Region 5 – Dusty Fisher - Region 6 – Suresh Vadhva - Sandra Kim – IEEE-USA Staff -