Dutch Pilot Allocation Plan for an European Emission Trading scheme Maurits Blanson Henkemans Ministry of Economic Affairs Netherlands Delhi
What I want to discuss Dutch position EU directive Aim of our Allocation study First results Conclusions
Cost advantages of European Trade
Dutch position In General positive to directive For mandatory system from 2005 but.. Allocation must be fair Crediting of Early actions For the Direct approach Dutch industry EU PSR system no CaP (!) for indirect approach.
Aim of the study Can we make an Allocation plan? On the basis of EU Directive/ and PSR indirect Allocation Criteria (Annex III) Propose improvements on the basis of the study Procedure Consultant makes study Advice from Industry/NGO
EU allocation Burden Sharing Agreement participants IPPC + createria/correcties Allocation
Questions Who are the participants? What size is covert by EU directive? How to set the Cap How to Allocate - Direct or Direct and Indirect Allocate on basis of - Historic emissions/Grandfathering - Performance Standard Rate (PSR)
Definition of Participants IPPC Def. Cut through sectors Lack of info Cogen e.c. Add sector? > 20 MWth Definition: “installation” “energy activity” en “combustion installation”
What is Covered
Wide interpretation: 47% of Total Emissions CHP = Chemical ind. included
Set CAP for 2010 Cap: 90 Mt CO 2 Reductie UK1: Ca. 4 Mt CO 2 Statistieken
Set a Cap 1 National Climate Plan UK1 and UK 2 Benchmark Target = CaP for Participants/ DATA ??? Allocate 9o Mton 450 Mln EURO (5 EURO/CO2) Advantage Support from Industry Disadvantage: No Trade?
Direct versus Indirect (1) Advantage Direct Simple/conform Kyoto Protocol Disadvantage Market Power for E-sector What will be Electricity-price
Direct versus Indirect (2) Advantage Indirect: Conform Benchmark Stimulate Efficiency User Disadvantage : CO2 content electrity used unknown
Direct versus indirect
Allocation options Grandfathering Direct and Indirect Performance Standard Rate Direct/Indirect
Example of CO 2 emissions and PSR
Allocation on Basis of Historic emissions WKK Production growth New Entrants Data availability Windfall profits Ownership Statistieken
Performance Standard Rates Max. 300 PSRs Corrections for green/nuclear biomass Correction for indirect emissions complicated Europese Benchmarking: different fuelmix
Grandfathering options How to support early actions? 1995 with production adaptation Too many allowances Allocation = 2005 Emissions. No incentive for trade/ no support early actions Allocation = Actual emissions * (performance rate / performance standard rate) distance to world top
Conclusions 1 Directive Covers 47% Cut through sectors ( opt in) Lack of number on installation level Indirect approach impossible in one country
Conclusions 2 Grandfathering direct Actual dates correction for distance to world top (benchmark) E-sector should not get to much power Solution: big supply/low price/competition/CHP Big role Commission for fair competion