“FLAGs ON THE MOVE: the second wave” FARNET Seminar for FLAGs Sofia March 2010 Paul Soto Programme and objectives
2 Axis 4 in Europe CountryEFF Axis 4 Budget Poland Romania Spain Greece Germany Estonia Portugal Latvia Italy Denmark Bulgaria UK Sweden Lithuania France Netherlands Finland Belgium Slovenia Ireland Cyprus Total countries 13% EFF €826M public investmment
3 Country Average budget per FLAG (total public) /M€ Planned number of FLAGs FLAGs with selected strategy Latvia124 Germany Denmark2.317 Spain France111 Sweden1.514 Finland18 8 Portugal Estonia Netherlands Greece513 8 Poland Cyprus21 1 UK Italy Romania615 0 Lithuania Ireland Bulgaria46 0 Belgium Slovenia31 0 Total State of Play: March 2011
4 groups selected groups planned 8
5 Types of area. Types of strategy AREAS More remote declining areas. Areas undergoing restructuring Growing, relatively rich areas From 50 to 9000 fishers per area STRATEGIES Small, complementary pilot initatives. Large, freestanding initiatives.
6 Lessons More efficient joined-up delivery procedures. Need for capacity building and streamlining along the entire delivery chain EU-National-Regional-Local. Innovation. Unleashing local ability to create quality projects that meet needs in a more sustainable way. Partnership – both the brain and the heart of the local development system Project selection – planting and nurturing seeds of development – among fishing community and other local stakeholders Growing the private sector – leveraging in resources and skills
7 Building on experience “Project selection” “effective partnerships” “private sector involvement” Gijon FARNET seminar March 2010 The goal of these two days: help you identify & adapt the success factors in each of these key steps Key point from the author Perspective from the ground Dedicated working groups Sofia FARNET seminar March 2011 FARNET technical dossier
8 Agenda for the next two days Today – Plenary: Key steps for success Presentation of the guides developed by FSU based on Gijon Introduction to the working groups – Lunch – Working groups: Practical solutions: 3 parallel working groups on the themes partnership Project support and selection Involving and working with the private sector + “Message in a bottle” + Cooperation corner – Plenary: “Promising practices” – closing session, networking time, FLAG material exhibition – Official Dinner: hosted by the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Food / National Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture : Bus departure from hotel.
9 Agenda for the next two days Tomorrow – Plenary. Bringing it together: Feedback from the working groups on outstanding questions and needs Feedback from message in a bottle – Working Groups: Thinking and networking nationally – Coffee break – Plenary: Feedback of actions per country in a “lighthouse format ” – Plenary: Official conclusions and next steps – lunch