Foundation strategy Bern, May 2004
Foundation strategy elements Research axes, project portfolio Financing Communication People Systems
Target Portfolio: The Foundation engages in 3 categories of projects: Public Call Research Projects (PCRP) Foundation communication projects, e.g Wyeth Forum Wyeth projects
Public Call Research Projects and the Wyeth Foundation Forum to be the flagships of the Foundation Target project portfolio to reflect a combination of Public Call Research Projects, Communication and Wyeth projects of public interest Target Portfolio: Project mix
Target Portfolio: project mix rationale Rationale for research projects Assess areas with unanswered questions and challenges Stimulate the research and education of public, medical and scientific interest Rational for a yearly Forum Raise the attention on children and adolescents healthcare challenges Disseminate and promote the debate of own (Foundation) and 3 rd party research findings Create opportunities for collaborative projects (strategic alliances) Capture 3 rd parties leading positions on issues of public interest
Proposed research axes AspectsFields Epidemiology1. SPPM (Social, psychological and preventive medicine) Pathogenesis2. Infectiology Diagnosis3. Oncology Treatment4. Rheumatology and autoimmune diseases Prevention IEC (Information, education, communication) Health-/socio- economics
Financing strategy A basic contribution from the industry, in a first phase from Wyeth of CHF 160 K p.a. (first three years approx CHF 500 K, in accordance with budget decisions) Projects can be financed over a period of three years, e.g. 3 x CHF p.a = total amount of CHF Funds in addition to that to be found through collaborative approaches with 3rd parties, or within Wyeth, in case of projects of public/medical interest and interest to Wyeth corporation Financing attractiveness to third parties through independent character of a Swiss Foundation (under Swiss Foundation law) and appropriate visibility of co-funder.
Communication strategy What : new findings on Foundation stakeholder needs, in research and education approaches Advertising, status and findings of selected Public Call Research projects, How : through key events with participation of the media, publications well reputed media and Foundation internet site. When : Foundation Forum once a year All other communication on a needs basis By whom: Foundation Board decides on case by case basis
People : Project collaboration principles 1. Best experts in the research fields as members of the Foundation ( Board members, Scientific Committee) 2. In case best experts are not available within the Foundation, ad hoc collaboration with external experts on a project basis
Systems Foundation experts and Forum participants database Board and Scientifc Committee network Foundation internet home-site ( Systems managed by the Foundation Office