Linkages Between Rangeland Indicator Efforts: Sustainable Rangeland Roundtable and Heinz Center Programs Duncan T. Patten Montana State University
Need for common understanding of changing conditions of the nations ecosystems. Too many players and too many approaches U.S. Forest Service Natural Resource and Conservation Service Bureau of Land Management Environmental Protection Agency National Park Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Geological Survey State Departments of Natural Resources State Departments of Wildlife (fish and game) Local resource agencies And more……
Diversity of Grassland and Shrublands Examples: Tall, mid- and shortgrass prairies Sagebrush steppes Florida grassland/scrub Chaparral and savannas Deserts Tundra Mountain grasslands pastures
Indicator Concept measurable characteristics of the environment, both abiotic and biotic, that can provide quantitative information on ecological resources EPA - EMAP
Ecosystem Coverage Heinz Program Grass/Shrubland Forest Farmland Freshwater Coastal Urban/Suburban Sustainable Rangeland Rangeland
Themes or Working Groups Heinz Program Extent: system dimension Chemical/Physical Conditions Biological Condition Human Use Sustainable Rangeland Ecological Health and Diversity Soil and Water Conservation Productive Capacity Economic Criteria Social Criteria Institutional Criteria
Indicator Development Process Heinz Program * Oversight Design Committee Small Working Groups Several Meetings Comparison With Other Working Groups Internal Review External Review Sustainable Roundtable * Planning/organizing Committee Large Working Groups Many Meetings Delphi Process Comparison With Other Roundtables and Indicator Development Review
Audience Heinz Program National Decision- makers National Resource Managers Sustainable Roundtable State and National Resource Managers Rangeland Managers at All Levels
Plan on attending the Heinz Center Program: Rangeland Indicators from the State of The Nations Report Monday, February 18, 2002 At 1:00 pm