The Collaborative Delphi Round 8 Helen Ivy Rowe
Definition The Delphi, as we use it, is a technique used for gathering and developing opinion to further the work of the SRR.
Procedure A set of carefully designed sequential questionnaires interspersed with summarized responses.
Past Delphi Rounds Delphi 1 and 2 (between Denver and SLC): Worked on finding common ground through developing mission and vision statements. Delphi 3, 4, and 5 (between SLC and Reno): Reached agreement on definition of rangelands Finalized a vision/mission package Received input on most important issues work produced at SLC meeting
Delphi 6 and 7 Received input on Indicator Classification System.
Delphi 8 Questions requested by Criteria groups at the last meeting: What should be used as a reference point or time zero? Feedback to the Soil/Water group for dropping an indicator.
Delphi 8 Results 1. What will we use for reference states? What is time zero for these indicators? Now Earliest possible data (could include now) Reference state (ecological condition) should be considered rather than time In some cases minimum value might be more useful than a reference state
Delphi 8 Results 2. Do all indicators need reference states/time zero? Yes -10 No Will one reference state/time zero work for all indicators? Yes – 3 (time zero as now) No - 19
Delphi 8 Questions 4-6 Soil & Water Indicator 2: Area and percent of rangeland managed primarily for protective functions.
3--Unacceptable = disagree, indicator should be kept as written 4--Slightly acceptable = the indicator can be dropped, but only if another indicator is written to encompass specific aspects (please explain in #2) 6--Moderately acceptable = acceptable, but would support developing a new indicator to encompass protected areas 9--Highly acceptable = acceptable, indicator should be dropped 4. Rate your level of acceptance for dropping this indicator
Delphi 8 Results 5. If this indicator is dropped are there aspects of this indicator that should be preserved in another indicator? Soil and water conservation Management/use/control site Move to Ecological Health and Diversity or Legal, Institutional, and Economic Criteria groups Should not be preserved
Delphi 8 Results 6. Any other comments? Reword the indicator (from protection to conservation?) Area in land conservation should be measured
Delphi 8 Results Soil and Water Group results Two active members responded. Neither wrote comments. Highly acceptable to drop the indicator.
Mini survey.
Criteria group use of Delphi Criteria groups may request to use the Delphi. Here are some suggestions for application: 1. Technical questions that are not answerable yet, to get an expert spread of opinion. 2. If a group gets stuck and wants help from the SRR. 3. Theoretical questions that need buy in from the group or SRR. 4. Indicator review for individual indicators or as sets to check for gaps/overlaps/ acceptability.
Feedback Delphi design Responding to the Delphi Reasons for participation/non-participation General feedback