ACM Conference on Universal Usability Washington, DC November 16-17,
Z Z General Co-Chairs ] ] Joelle Coutaz & David Novick Z Z Program Co-Chairs ] ] Jean Scholtz & John Thomas Z Z Student Fellows Chairs ] ] Kori Inkpen, Joanna McGrenere & Brad Mehlenbacher Conference Committee
Z Z Publicity ] ] Donald Day Z Z Webmaster ] ] Keith Instone Z Z Treasurer ] ] Susan Harkness Regli Z Z Registrar ] ] Cecilia Kullman Conference Committee
Thomas Jefferson I feel... an ardent desire to see knowledge so disseminated through the mass of mankind that it may...reach even the extremes of society: beggars and kings. -- Reply to American Philosophical Society, 1808
Thomas Jefferson I feel... an ardent desire to see knowledge so disseminated through the mass of mankind that it may...reach even the extremes of society: beggars and kings. -- Reply to American Philosophical Society, 1808 Illegal Memory Exception Error at location 00445ae65 Unexpected Severe Failure Click here for options
Thomas Jefferson I feel... an ardent desire to see knowledge so disseminated through the mass of mankind that it may...reach even the extremes of society: beggars and kings. -- Reply to American Philosophical Society, 1808 Illegal Memory Exception Error at location 00445ae65 Unexpected Severe Failure ;Restart and lose your work Pay $20 for Automatic Recovery
Thomas Jefferson I feel... an ardent desire to see knowledge so disseminated through the mass of mankind that it may...reach even the extremes of society: beggars and kings. -- Reply to American Philosophical Society, 1808 Program halted. Were sorry for the failure of our software To Receive $1 Credit for future purchases
Z Z Problem: Confusion, frustration, and anxiety dominate user experiences ] ] Survey of 6000 users finds 5.1 hours/week wasted ] ] Incompatible files, interfaces, networks, hardware ] ] Poorly designed websites that take too long ] ] Still worse for disabled & foreign users Universal Usability - Frustration
Z Z Problem: Confusion, frustration, and anxiety dominate user experiences ] ] Survey of 6000 users finds 5.1 hours/week wasted ] ] Incompatible files, interfaces, networks, hardware ] ] Poorly designed websites that take too long ] ] Still worse for disabled & foreign users Universal Usability - Frustration Skeptics corner - Dumbing down - Lowest common denominator
Z Z Problem: Confusion, frustration, and anxiety dominate user experiences ] ] Survey of 6000 users finds 5.1 hours/week wasted ] ] Incompatible files, interfaces, networks, hardware ] ] Poorly designed websites that take too long ] ] Still worse for disabled & foreign users Universal Usability - Frustration Skeptics corner - Dumbing down - Lowest common denominator Diversity promotes quality
Z Z Problem: Increasing disparity in internet access ] ] Weak vs. strong education ] ] Low vs. high income Universal Usability – Digital Divide
Internet Use by Education Z Percent of U.S. Households Using the Internet Total U.S., Rural, Urban, and Central City Areas Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide
Internet Use by Income Z Percent of U.S. Households Using the Internet Total U.S., Rural, Urban, and Central City Areas Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide
ACM Code of Ethics In a fair society, all individuals would have equal opportunity to participate in, or benefit from, the use of computer resources regardless of race, sex, religion, age, disability, national origin or other such similar factors.
Universal Usability Agenda Z Z Technology variety: Support broad range of hardware, software, and network access Z Z User diversity: Accommodate users with different skills, knowledge, age, gender, disabilities, disabling conditions (mobility, injury, noise, sunlight), literacy, culture, income, etc. Z Z Gaps in user knowledge: Bridge the gap between what users know and what they need to know Communications of the ACM, May 2000
Technology variety: Support broad range of hardware, software, and network access 1 to 100 range in processor speeds Pentium 1 to 100 range in screen sizes Palm devices Laptops Large Desktop or Wall Display 30, ,000 3,840,000 pixels Software Versions Compatibility File conversion Multiple platforms Device Independence Input: keyboard, speech,... Output: visual, auditory,... Conversion: Text-speech Speech-text,... 1 to 100 range in network bandwidth 9.6K 56K 10,000Kbps
Language & Culture Western, Eastern, developing... Personality Introvert vs extravert Thinking vs feeling Risk aversion Locus of control Planful vs playful User diversity: Accommodate different users User diversity: Accommodate different users Skills Computer newbie to hacker Knowledge Domain novice to expert Age Young to old Gender Male or Female Income Impoverished to wealthy Disabilities Visual, auditory, motoric, cognitive Disabling conditions Mobility, injury, noise, sunlight
Online help Context sensitive, tables of contents, Indexes, Keyword search, FAQs, Newsgroups, Chat rooms Online communities Gaps in User Knowledge - Strategies Bridge the gap between what users know and what they need to know Design Layered Level-structured Task-oriented Training Fade-able scaffolding Training wheels Minimalist Online Learning (evolutionary, phased) Introductory tutorials Getting started manuals, Cue cards Walkthroughs/Demos Minimalist/Active Customer service Phone Help desks
Z Z Funders: Expand research Z Z Educators: Disseminate scientific results Z Z Developers: Apply usability testing methods Z Z Managers: Provide responsible leadership Z Z Policy makers: Raise & clarify requirements Z Z Journalists: Raise public expectations Z Z Web designers: Develop UU policy Actions Items
Z Z Browser Requirements Z Z Basic System Requirements Z Z Input Devices Z Z Display Z Z Audio/Video Z Z Network Connection Z Z Access for users with disabilities Z Z Diverse Users Z Z User support Z Z Contact Information Universal Usability Policy Template
Never doubt that a small and committed group of people can change the world. In fact, that is the only thing that ever has. -- Margaret Mead
Passion Courage Creativity
November 16, Thursday Z Z 8:30 - 9:00 Welcome: Ben Shneiderman (University of Maryland) Z Z 9:00 - 9:30 Opening Speech: Tom Kalil (White House, U. S. National Economic Council) Z Z 9: :30 Keynote: Michael Burks Raising Awareness of the Economic Advantages of Universal Design (AT&T) ACM Conf: Universal Usability
Z Z 11: :15 Papers: Architecture and Experience Z Z 12:15 - 1:15 Lunch Z Z 1:15 - 3:00 Papers: The Design Process Z Z 3:00 - 3:30 Break Z Z 3:30 - 4:30 Panel: Dimensions of Diversity in Design of Telerehabilitation Systems for Universal Usability Z Z 4:30 - 5:30 Panel: From Equal Access to Differential Invitation: Creating collaborative cultures that provide equal access and encourage equal participation Z Z 5:30 - 7:00 Poster Reception (with light food and drinks) ACM Conf: Universal Usability
November 17, Friday Morning Z Z 8: :00 Papers: Age before Beauty Z Z 10: :30 Break Z Z 10: :00 Papers: Reaching Diverse Communities Z Z 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch ACM Conf: Universal Usability
November 17, Friday Afternoon Z Z 1:00 - 2:00 Panel: Hot Topics in Universal Usability Z Z 2:00 - 3:00 Report from the CUU Fellow Workshop Z Z 3:00 - 3:30 Break Z Z 3:30 - 5:00 Papers: Easy Access and The Web Z Z 5:00 - 5:15 Closing Remarks ACM Conf: Universal Usability
ACM Conference on Universal Usability Washington, DC November 16-17,