Using apps across the curriculum Pells - February 2013 Andrew Gunn Fiona Large
Aims Develop confidence with using an iPads; To understand how iPads might be used to support specific subjects; To know which apps are effective for teaching and learning.
Art / Design Photobooth Animation desk Photofunia Pixlr Express Design Museum
English Collins Big Cat books Notes Epic Citadel iBooks Book creator First news ZooBurst Bluster
Generic Educreations Morfo Dragon dictation Pic Collage Quickvoice Explain everything Showme Skitch SimpleMind iMovie iTunes U VidEditor Class Dojo
Geography / ICT Google Earth Robologic Beebot
Maths Geoboard Graphbook MotionMath Zoom Math Drills Lite
MFL / Music Facetime Phrases Etude Garageband I am composer Virtuoso free piano
Science Elements Exoplanet Nasa WTunnel
Useful links apps.htmlhttp:// apps.html